Kind Wishes for SE7ENFOLD (UGer)

prayer sent

get well man...TTT


I hope and hard for a full recovery man.

Wishing you the best! Get well soon brotha.


gluck brother

If there's anything that I can do for you, please let me konw.

wow no one has said anything about kiriks 'I hope and hard' comment, you guys are getting soft!

No, actually we're getting hard.


All the best to you and yours. Keep it up man, positivity is a great weapon. I am watching my dad go through daily radiation treatments now, and its amazing but the little things do help you get through the day. Prayers go out to you.

Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Good luck in your battles SE7ENFOLD, hope you have a speedy recovery.


Sorry to hear about that.

ttt for 7FOLD



"SE7ENFOLD, you are going to be my next blue."

Wow... thanks, Crooklyn. Once again, you're a class act.

And thanks to everyone else who chimed in.

God Bless you and your family SE7ENFOLD

keep your chin up!

UG 4 Lyfe!

TTT :(

Prayers sent for you SE7ENFOLD.
