King Mo = GENIUS... he now has a ticket to UFC

do you wear a burger king crown when you watch him fight?

jason73 - let me know when mo decides to fight instead of running backwards away from a fight and taking a dude down and laying on him without throwing any punches or working for subs
. Phone Post 3.0

FanToFighter - Some people on the UG don't understand sarcasm and I don't think this will be met positively Phone Post 3.0
LOL at "some" Phone Post 3.0

FanToFighter - Some people on the UG don't understand sarcasm and I don't think this will be met positively Phone Post 3.0
Based on the first page of comments. .. you nailed it haha Phone Post 3.0

Can't believe I bought in to the hype and bought that show?

Some people forget Dana already cut Mo once after strikeforce after the failed steroid test and then they had some words back and forth with Mo going on about how happy he was to be in Bellator with Bjorn because he respects fighters.  Just because Mo bitched at Bjorn doesn't mean Dana is going to run to sign him back.

Bjorn isn't letting Mo go anywhere.  This will all blow over very quickly.  Expect some backtracking by Mo very soon.  He is running out of bridges to burn and Bellator does not have enough main event names to just let him go.

NORCAL707 - Did I miss something here? A presser maybe? When did mo flip on Rebney? Phone Post 3.0

Post fight & before the presser.

thorsmitersaw -
jason73 - 
thorsmitersaw - jason73, u are wrong

brock lesnar gave all the fans the middle finger and dana wasnt mad

he didnt walk up to a specific fan and go fuck you in his face

didnt mousasi give the finger to a fan who tried to take his hat as he was making his entrance? or am i mixing him up with another fighter

but that happened, and it was recent
Backhanded them Phone Post 3.0

StelioKontos - 
aimed with V - 
StelioKontos - 
jason73 - let me know when mo decides to fight instead of running backwards away from a fight and taking a dude down and laying on him without throwing any punches or working for subs

i'm glad rampage took that decision. king mo fought like a bitch tonight but he made up for that with his shit talking and entrance. made me a bigger fan than i already was and looking forward to his next fight

VD for being disrespectful to a fighter, no matter what strategy he chooses for a fight.

"Fought like a bitch"? Seriously?
I thought sherdog forum is not here...

he did fight like a bitch tonight and a lot of other people would agree. down-voting a guy with no vote-ups. smart guy. i give you permission to give me a down-vote everyday if you want. i'm not here to be popular i'm here to discuss mixed martial arts

Fuck you, leave. Nobody wants to discuss mma with a faggotcunt who bashes fighters. Vote downs forever

King Mo was once already a Zuffa employee under Strikeforce and they fired him.  So, no...

Too bad he cant win Phone Post 3.0

Plus the ufc didn't wasn't him when they bought out strikeforce why would they want him now he's not an exiting fighter and he has a bad attitude and Brock was giving the fans the finger cause they were all booing him and if I recall Dana did have a talk with where he said Dana took back behind the woodshed not sure if said anything about the finger I think it was more about dissing one if the main ufc sponsors Phone Post 3.0

the only stats i can find say mo landed 39 strikes overall where rampage landed 31

but of those  mo landed 15 non-power strikes, rampage landed 1

it doesnt break em down by round

i personally had rampage winning 2 and 3, but 3 was close under the current judging

I agree, Dana loves a wrestler who has two left feet and wears ice skates to fight. Phone Post

Mo will NEVER be in the UFC... if he does leave Bellator, WSOF might pick him up.. the guy is all talk and thats it. He should drop the "King" in his name.. what is he actually the King of? Sellin wolf tickets? Phone Post 3.0

I didn't like how King MO went off on Bjorn twice then in the post fight press conference when asked about his remarks he said no comment. Phone Post 3.0