Knee injury… or just old?

Left knee randomly giving out while walking, but not to the point where i fall… yet. More of an “oh shit, thankful i can adjust” kind of thing.

Leg is straight while lying down- inner part of left knee is “talking”, something feels off. Same if bent, but more “loud” when leg is extended.

Bjj warmups- slight panic when we go from being lined up to running. Knees up/butt kickers / skipping etc is all full of “please dont fall” thoughts

Once we do other warmups, drill, spar, etc. everything seems ok since im warm. I will not do SLX or DLR guards because of this. Live rolls are ok, performing as expected for a sexy nerd.

Just typing this out… thinking its time for the doc to take a look.

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had both my knees scoped after a long wrestling career… best thing I ever did but I never won a national wrestling championship, again… ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Little more context- 44, no distinct “oh shit” popping moment or injury, just feels like wear and tear over many years of bjj and judo.

Feels slightly warm to touch, but its 90 here, and im 235 lbs of raw steel and sex appeal.

Here’s the fucker in question

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Was scoping necessary to determine extent of injury?

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edited because who gives a shit.

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get it checked out…


Appointment on 16th.

And i do give a shit!

Now… beer and advil time

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Check your dm

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But call a doctor because I have no idea what I’m doing.

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What kind of pic is this? Cant even see dong tip.

^ Wearing it like a lap belt

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Meniscus, maybe MCL

How are you 235 with no muscle mass on your legs?

It’s your MCL. I tore mine while competing 2.5 months ago. I’m still recovering but it is slowly getting better.

^ all cock

What was recovery like? Surgery required

Hate to say it, but maybe look into Knees Over Toes guy?

I haven’t tried it, but I imagine someone who has is going to tell you this. Could just be a muscle imbalance/overuse thing?

I remember a while back I was having stinging pain in the outside of my knee when running. It was very very painful. Not sure what it was or how it ended up going away, but it did. I think I just kept exercising (in addition to jiujitsu), and maybe stretch and foam rolling. It was about 10 hears ago or so.

Either way, I think I’m trying to tell you to not overthink it and get yourself all worried.

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And massage therapy. Find someone who can put some good pressure and tell them where it hurts. Chances are they can find the source either north or south of where it hurts. Actually a physio might be able to tel you the same too.

No surgery. MCLs only need surgery if it’s a complete tear. Have any PTs that can take a look at it? A good PT could tell you what it is in a few minutes. I train with one, he is a god send

Get an MRI

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How is hip and left feet? Dont know how what happened, but heard that knee injures happen cuz of weak feet or one foot
Usually right foot has good arc and the left foot is kinda flat and it connects to a lot of stuff…