Knee on Belly Attacks (video!)

Hello everyone!

Please check out the Richmond BJJ Academy November 2012 Technique of the Month video!

We are excited to share a Spinning Armlock and an Omoplata from the Knee on Belly Position! This attack starts with a basic knee on belly transition from side control, and works into an outside (spinning) armlock, followed by an omoplata (shoulder lock) if they try to escape. This series is a must-have for beginners and advanced Jiu-Jitsu players alike! (blue namer, please embed)

Please share this video (via other forums, Facebook, e-mail, etc.).

Also, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, like and comment on our videos!

Thanks for the support, and good training to you all!

Eric Burdo
BJJ Black Belt and Head Instructor
Richmond BJJ Academy
Richmond, Virginia

For later. Phone Post

Sub Phone Post


Sub Phone Post

Later Phone Post

love that omoplata transition. thanks and VTFU


Haha, my training partner always argue about this AB finish too! Great option sir, thank you for sharing...

Laters Phone Post

Sub Phone Post

Sub Phone Post

Sun for later Phone Post


bump for solid instructional vids


Thanks guys, hope you like the techniques! They are huge staples in my personal game, and I've had tons of success with this series.

Why don't we see more knee on belly attacks in MMA?  A man can't breathe - he can't fight.

Why don't we see more knee on belly attacks in MMA?  A man can't breathe - he can't fight.