Kongo vs Struve?

This would be a good fight for Kongo to take, a win would settle him back into the top 10. The last thing he needs now is another loss to a superior wrestler. I'd give Kongo the edge on the feet with the possibility of a highlight reel knockout.

For Struve it would be the opportunity to step up into the big leagues. Even a good showing would open up the possibility of some main card action. He showed an active guard game, which might pose a problem for Kongo.


From: Jim York Send Private Message Add Comment To Profile
Posted: 1 hour ago
Member Since: 5/10/07
Posts: 271
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he should fight Struve next, that would be a good fight

Shit, didn't check...

I think it would be a good match-up for Kongo, but how would beating a guy not in the top 30 move him back into the top 10? You get ranked in the top 10 by beating top 10 guys. Kongo has lost to Herring and Cain, which puts him way out of top 10 consideration.

a win against a guy no major wins on his record and that is 1-1 in the ufc will re-establish Kongo in the top 10? don't think so

Kongo said he believes he is the best in the UFC. I say throw him back in there with a top 10. He has to learn the ground game at some point, or atleast some TD defense ala Chuck. I dont believe his stand-up is so vastly superior to other HW in the division that he doesnt have to have a ground game.

Struve has a lot of potential and is very young, I think throwing him in with Kongo is a mistake. Just look what happened when they gave him to Dos Santos in his UFC debut. Let him fight a lower-level guy like McCully or Hague next.

I meant settle him back into contention for top 10, most of the current ufc heavyweight division is pretty shallow in the records department.

Dana is always after exciting fighters, and a good showing or knockout usually puts fighters in with the big leagues. If Kongo knocks him out spectacularly, no matter what his record, then I have no doubt his next fight will be against a top 10 guy. What was Lesnars record before his title shot?

I can't see how he deserves a shot at the winner of the Dos Santos fight tho, I can see that winner feeling ripped off. If Kongo was coming off a win that would be a better scenario.

When Kongo was faced with a better striker (Hardonk) he took him don asap. If he does the same with Struyve he'll probably do OK. If he keeps it standing I believe Struyve has a very good shot at beating Kongo.

Horrible fight from both sides. Struve can't afford another loss. Kongo really has nothing to gain from this, if he wins big deal. But the real nightmare is a hail mary punch or more likely a submission. Even if he looks shaky if will damage his rep big time.

That having been said, the most likely result is cleary Kongo by murder.

 The sad part is Kongo is a great standup fighter with okay takedowns but HORRIBLE takedown defense/ground game.  Considering the skill set of the competition at heavyweight that's a very big problem he needs to get resolved ASAP.

YumYumPandaburger - When Kongo was faced with a better striker (Hardonk) he took him don asap. If he does the same with Struyve he'll probably do OK. If he keeps it standing I believe Struyve has a very good shot at beating Kongo.

Struve's ground game is probably his primary strength.

YumYumPandaburger - When Kongo was faced with a better striker (Hardonk) he took him don asap. If he does the same with Struyve he'll probably do OK. If he keeps it standing I believe Struyve has a very good shot at beating Kongo.

I thought he was beating Hardonk standing in the first, not by much, but getting the better of him. I'll have to watch that fight again I think.


 Good God no.

Kongo has been feasting on inexperienced guys and hand-picked style matchups long enough.  The guy is in his mid 30s and already has a ton of Octagon experience.  The time for him to be smashing noobs is gone.  It is sink or swim time for the big Frenchman.  The UFC needs to challenge him with tough experienced guys who will force him to improve or perish, not young kids who will allow him to continue to hide the glaring holes in his game.

On the flip-side, Struve is a fantastic prospect but needs more time to work on his body, his skills, and his mental game.  They have already fed him to the lions once (Dos Santos).  They need to build him up gradually the same way they built up guys like Cain, Machida, Huerta, and others.  Let him get some cage time under his belt and get comfortable fighting in the Octagon before challenging him again.  The guy is only 22 years old.  They have plenty of time to groom him, and he needs the time to put some beef on his frame anyway.


Steve4192 -  Good God no.

Kongo has been feasting on inexperienced guys and hand-picked style matchups long enough.  The guy is in his mid 30s and already has a ton of Octagon experience.  The time for him to be smashing noobs is gone.  It is sink or swim time for the big Frenchman.  The UFC needs to challenge him with tough experienced guys who will force him to improve or perish, not young kids who will allow him to continue to hide the glaring holes in his game.

On the flip-side, Struve is a fantastic prospect but needs more time to work on his body, his skills, and his mental game.  They have already fed him to the lions once (Dos Santos).  They need to build him up gradually the same way they built up guys like Cain, Machida, Huerta, and others.  Let him get some cage time under his belt and get comfortable fighting in the Octagon before challenging him again.  The guy is only 22 years old.  They have plenty of time to groom him, and he needs the time to put some beef on his frame anyway.

good post


What annoyed me about that fight wasn't his ground-fighting, it was his almost complete lack of strategy. I mean god damn it man, you hit a campion wrestler cleanly, the guy is clearly staggered, and the next move is clinch and try take him down? Wtf? If Kongo had kept his head on straight that fight was his.