Kron vs Nick Diaz Results?

Did this match even happen?

TTT! I'm dieing to hear how this match went!





It was rumored a couple days ago that Diaz/Gracie was not going to happen. I read it here and on sherdog. Like to hear from somebody that was there.


 what about al those poor stoners who bought tickets to see nick?

Ok, someone on this thread is lying.

I for one am prepared to be here all night if I have to.

to my threads

it was a work

Why do I continue to come to this site?

Nevermind that this thread was dead by the time you finally found it Captain Latefortheparty
LOL @ "captain latefortheparty"


LOL @ this thread. Herb got everyone one this thread worked up over nothing. Basically the definition of trolling.

Herb wins.

ya my friend went......cause his son goes to the training place in stockton ...same as the diaz bros.......pacific coast martial friends son competed he is like seven......... but he said he didnt even see the diaz bros there.....but he said he didnt stick around for the later matches .......i want to see the results as well

so basically this whole thread is bullshit.

lol great fucking troll here.


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