Kurt Pellegrino fights 2morrow...

Ring of Combat is tomorrow with Kurt Pellegrino taking on Jay R. Palmer. I'm going with Pellegrino by decision. Who's your pick?

Also Danny Saurez is scheduled to fight but his opponent hasn't been named yet.

Go to http://www.grappletv.com/dacrippler.htm to check out the fight breakdowns.

pellegrino by sub. he impressed me with his fight against mac danzig.

ill go with Pelligrino and Da Crippler for moderator

batman by early sub...he is on another level.

phatboy, it's going to be suarez against renat? awesome.

Pellegrino by submission.

Suarez will KO or submit anyone who gets put in front of him tomorrow night!!!

Suarez will not be fighting. His opponent did not make his medicals.