Late as fudge I know but...

Youtube finally decided to stop sucking donkey dick & uploaded my UFC179 Predictions so here they are. Phone Post 3.0

You can be late all you want young lady.....

& I suck at pronouncing names right lol Phone Post 3.0

Bec I love you..... Please marry me Phone Post 3.0

Wooooo Wilson Reis :) Phone Post 3.0

You can't curse in a thread title. Is that still a rule? I am fine with Bec getting a pass though. Phone Post 3.0

Night Hawk - Bec I love you..... Please marry me Phone Post 3.0
The children would have the most awesome names. Could you imagine? Rowdy NightHawk jr. Phone Post 3.0

Yelm - You can't curse in a thread title. Is that still a rule? I am fine with Bec getting a pass though. Phone Post 3.0
Oh shitfuck I didn't know that? Oops. Phone Post 3.0

I forgive you, as does the whole forum I'd guess. Phone Post 3.0

Yelm - I forgive you, as does the whole forum I'd guess. Phone Post 3.0

Your name have anything to do with a town in Washington?


We have a Female Dana White in the house.

Kirik -


Thanks you sir :) Phone Post 3.0

My name is after the town in Washington that I grew up in. Phone Post 3.0

Ffs bec just come here to the UK and marry me plz Phone Post 3.0

The Governor - bec can I smell your jockstrap pmsl Phone Post 3.0
Classy Phone Post 3.0

right on.

bad at pronouncing names, nice personality, nice music taste.

Some strange people on this forum!! I like your predictions I have chad knocking out Aldo though. Phone Post 3.0

BeauTown - Some strange people on this forum!! I like your predictions I have chad knocking out Aldo though. Phone Post 3.0
That fight is such a tough one to call :) Phone Post 3.0