Late October 2005 update...

Here's a short update for late October:

1) Sunday's sale has been postponed until next Sunday, October 30.
The sale of equipment (and other items) will begin at 1pm and end
around 4pm. I will post more info on what items will be sold later this

2) Manong Romy Macapagal has been teaching Kalis Ilustrisimo each
day since he has been here. I have thoroughly enjoy his presence at the
academy. He and I will be training together on Tuesday afternoon,
October 25. If you would like to join us, please e-mail me at

3), version 6, is well on its way. It is in the process of
being re-designed with a new look and a new feel!! It is scheduled to
go live on January 1, 2006. I am thoroughly convinced you will like the
new look and feel of the new website. I can't wait to present it to you

4) The Harris International store has a DISCOUNT SALE on it right now.
Please take a look at:

Look on the right hand side of the page under the title "Shop."

NOTE: You will also see a few more items in the store!

5) Beginning the second week in January of 2006, I will begin traveling
to Los Angeles on Tuesdays for my own education and training. I will
spend the entire day in Los Angeles. I will be busy in the early morning
and the early afternoon hours. For those of you who live in Los Angeles
and Orange counties, if you would like to bring me over to your facility
for some additional training (private or semi-private lessons), feel free
to e-mail me at for more info.

6) A new class schedule for 2006 is in the works for the Harris
Academy. I will make the new schedule available for viewing on the
afternoon of November 8. The new schedule will have more classes on
it than the current schedule. Plus, morning and afternoon classes will
be available.

7) Beginning in early February of 2006, I will begin a new program at
the Harris Academy: An assistant instructor's training program. This
new program will allow those who are interested the opportunity to
learn how to teach martial arts. This program will be on-going. During
the course of instruction, you will be asked to assist in teaching
classes. However, you will be compensated for you time with follow-up
training and private lessons. I look forward to presenting this new
course in February. More info coming soon!

8) In late January of 2006, I will have some instructionals available for
new and current students. These instructionals will cover the following:

A. The basics of Jeet Kune Do Concepts.
B. The basics of Filipino Martial Arts.
C. The basics of Kalis Ilustrisimo.
D. The basics of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

These instructionals will give new students at the Harris Academy a
chance to learn the basics of each method of training.

9) On Thursday, November 3rd, I leave for Melbourne and Sydney,
Australia. I will be teaching a series of semi-private lessons to Sifu Rob
Parmakovski and his students, as well as meeting with fellow
Ilustrisimo practitioners John Chow and Raymond Floro. I am very
excited about this trip!

10) Beginning in December of 2005, I will begin e-mailing a monthly
newsletter/update. In these monthly updates, I will not only keep you
up to date on all that is happening at Harris International, but I will
also let you in on special offers on seminars, videos, dvd's, private
lessons and other instructionals. And, I will occasionally provide you
with a free lesson in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Jeet Kune Do Concepts, Kalis
Ilustrisimo, Mixed Martial Arts, Self-Defense, Filipino Martial Arts and
Physical Fitness Training.

If you WOULD be interested in receiving these updates, please respond
by doing the following:

  1. Create a new e-mail and address it to
  2. Write "Opt-in monthly newsletter" in the subject of the e-mail.
  3. Write a short note saying, "I want in."
  4. Click "Send."

I will add your name to the list when I receive your e-mail. Please know
your name or e-mail address will never be sold or given to anyone

Well, that about wraps it up for October.

Talk to you next month,

Roy Harris