Lateral Movement...

Lateral movement is severely lacking in MMA even at the highest leve. Some guys use it Like Frankie Edger Machida Silva and Aldo and now Carlos and a few others.

It was a pleasure to watch Carlos use it to avoid damage and deliver hard accurate shots 2 and 3 to 1. Most guys in MMA when being attacked back straight up and I always wondered why this is so prevalent.

If a truck is coming at you do you step backwards or to the side? It is really a simple strategy to avoid taking damage as much as possible. I have always been amazed of the lack of it and that more fighters need to learn and utilise it. Heck even wrestling uses it the wizer is a form of it hook the guys arm and laterally circling out to the attackers side to stop the takedown. Which makes it even more amazing more MMA fighters do not think to use it in their stand up.

It is used heavily in boxing and will probably become more prevalent in MMA as fighters realise it can really reduce the amount of shots one takes.. Ali Sugar Ray Holmes etc were all masters at it. Everyone one likes a good brawl but it seems many do not like a real technical match. I personally love a great technical match.

BJ lost to Frankie because of it and he could have beat Diaz had he utilised it more and thrown those great combos the busted up Diaz's face and circled out instead of standing in there and taking Diaz shots in trade. He probably would not have gassed and continued to out-strike Diaz in every round like he did in the 1st.

Carlos performed a technical masterpiece on Diaz, Fans better get used to it and fighters better start learning to understand it because sooner or later more and more will be using it because it means taking significantly less damage and delivering more to your opponent which has always been the name of the game. ..


Nice to see some people who understand some shit.

 voted up

Carlos did well in rounds 3-4 by lost rounds 1-2, and 5. Just sayin'......... Phone Post

I thought Diaz won but Condit was very impressive.

 I think this man deserves to be VTFU!

It is funny how every one shit on Carlos. Yet when Machida does the same thing or when Franky does its cause they are such ellusive footwork masters. Carlos schooled Diaz on one of the more under used and highly effective tactics in MMA.

Most people here are not interested in watching skill being displayed. They watch UFC because of the bloodsport aspect

If Felony Fights was more mainstream, they would jump ship in a heartbeat

Poopyface TomatoNose -  Carlos did well in rounds 3-4 by lost rounds 1-2, and 5. Just sayin'......... Phone Post

And this opinion negates the OP how?? Not only that....but Carlos had his hand raised in the end......just sayin'

The reason some fighters still thought Diaz won is because they have no clue about lateral movement (and it shows in thier styles) and were emotionally expecting a stand and trade slug fest to the last man standing. Instead Carlos put on a clinic.

i felt that nick won rounds 1 and 2, and then round 3 was kind of close, but 4 was condits and i think that the fifth was a close round but carlos took it, despite the take down with a minute to go. yes this is fighting but it is a sport as well. I don't think carlos did anything that was boring by giving a few solid strikes and then getting out of nick's range. how many people that train are told to use your reach or if you don't have the advantage get in your range then right out of his? Nick came forward the whole fight which is good to see but he wasn't able to cut off the angles to keep carlos against the fence to punish him

lateral movement works because if you land a shot or a 2 or 3 punch/kick combo and then circle left or right depending on your opponent if he tries to counter you are already gone from where he was focused to counter and he now has to reset and its to late. This is often a good time to attack him again. It keeps him missing and you landing.

Even on a counter if you step into the pocket and to the right instead of straight in he has to reset while your already hitting him or duck under the counter and to the left and he is open for your counter. This is boxing 101.

Condit moved to the side (pretty sure the same side) everytime time Diaz came with a flurry. By round 3 it was predictable condit was going to do this. If Diaz couldn't adjust his strategy than that's his bad. Everyone says this fight will turn noobs and foobs off mma. Well I'm I noob and I'm impressed that condit was able to outstrike a better striker, even if it was 'running'.
If a pure grappler takes a pure striker to the ground, we don't call him a coward. So why is condit a coward for fighting the way he did.
No one that's in a cage with Diaz is a coward and it's an insult to Diaz to call condit a coward.
I would not get in a cage with either. Phone Post

Good post^^ however he wasn't running, he mostly circled left but at times to the right just depends on the situation. Good lateral movement always entails either direction as the circumstance calls for and or to keep the opponent guessing.

Also everyone is saying condit fought scared. So what if he did.
The last fight I was in (street fight, not a fighter) I was scared. But I won the fight.
By staying calm and using my own abilities to get the better of the guy. Phone Post

Was my one and only fight I've ever been in. Not a thug. Phone Post

Gokudamus stole my name - Most people here are not interested in watching skill being displayed. They watch UFC because of the bloodsport aspect

If Felony Fights was more mainstream, they would jump ship in a heartbeat

Bingo Phone Post

Carlos showed that he was the more well rounded fighter with his footwork and lateral movement. There's much more to boxing and mma than just standing in the pocket and punching. It hurts my brain to read people say that Condit "ran", what he did is called "sticking and moving" there's a difference. Diaz could not find an answer for Condit and his loss accurately represents that.

Maybe the UFC should create another fight organization where the cage is the same size as a toilet stall. Fighters can just stand there and punch until someone drops, I'm sure that would please all the idiot fans out there who thought Diaz won.

flyingdman - Condit moved to the side (pretty sure the same side) everytime time Diaz came with a flurry. By round 3 it was predictable condit was going to do this. If Diaz couldn't adjust his strategy than that's his bad. Everyone says this fight will turn noobs and foobs off mma. Well I'm I noob and I'm impressed that condit was able to outstrike a better striker, even if it was 'running'.
If a pure grappler takes a pure striker to the ground, we don't call him a coward. So why is condit a coward for fighting the way he did.
No one that's in a cage with Diaz is a coward and it's an insult to Diaz to call condit a coward.
I would not get in a cage with either. Phone Post

Good post. Condit disengaged to reset his distance, not "ran away".
Too many Di-asses on here.... Phone Post

Lateral movement = running

-The UG