Lavigne Will Referee Machida-Rua Bout, Judges name

Since what happened in the first fight, this will be important. Also I thought you guys would like to know.

"The combat sports wing of Quebec’s Régie des Alcools des Courses et des Jeux (RACJ) has formally decided on the four men who will preside over Saturday night's hotly anticipated rematch between Lyoto Machida and Mauricio “Shogun” Rua.

The RACJ has selected Yves Lavigne, Quebec’s most experienced senior referee to oversee the bout in the cage. This comes as little surprise, as it was expected the commission would select from a trio of Lavigne, the notoriously shaky Philippe Chartier and the less experienced Marc-Andre Cote to assign the main event duty.

The three judges scoring the bout will be Tony Weeks of Nevada, Sal D’Amato of Wisconsin, and Pasquale Procopio of Quebec."

Rest of the article:

Rich Franklin 30-27 over Wanderlei Silva (6/13/2009)

slamming -  I do not understand why they use judges with no MMA experience.. ugh i can whats going to happen already...  Leg kicks dont end fights pt 2.

But BLAF won't be getting my money part 2. I never got a refund for the first screwjob, nor will I pay to see youtube fight videos (imminent ko included).

slamming -  I do not understand why they use judges with no MMA experience.. ugh i can whats going to happen already...  Leg kicks dont end fights pt 2.

MMA judges literally can't tell when punches land and decide how to score them properly

i'm not saying boxing judges are great, but they couldn't be much worse

Randy Couture over Brandon Vera

Aaron Simpson over Tom Lawlor

Frankie Edgar over B.J. Penn

Brad Imes over Rashad Evans

Cheick Kongo over Carmelo Marrero

Rob McCullough over Karen Darabedyan

Rich Franklin over Wanderlei Silva (

translation: fight to finish, Shogun...


slamming - Ok, ill give you expertise in judging hands, but what about kicks, elbows, knees, takedowns, cage control, ground control, submissions, effective ground striking and defense?  It makes me nervous when a rookie is judging such a big fight.

isn't the whole controversy over this rematch because MMA judges themselves can't properly judge kicks?

and as for grappling i see very few judges who think harder than "this guy is on top so he is winning"

my point is that these guys are so unreliable a boxing guy trying his best is probably just as good as one of the supposed "experts" with all their experience

great post slamming, interesting data, makes me hope even more so that no fights go to a decision.

Tony Weeks is the best judge on there. He's fantastic when it comes to scoring fights. Best part is, he doesn't stand for the Lay and pray garbage.

 weak, putting a guy with little judging experience in a title fight.

Just pray to the lord that Cecil Peoples and Jerry Roth aren't one of the judges, dear god almighty they have the most history of robbing people. Jerry Roth is famous for his robbery of De La Hoya/Trinidad.

CyborgRoyce - Weeks:
Rich Franklin 30-27 over Wanderlei Silva (6/13/2009)


I'm calling another decision

"eh? What does DFW have to do with anything? His responsibility doesnt extend to the judges retarded decisions."

Right and wrong. He's getting the sport sanctioned all over the place, why can't he get educated judges approved for his events?"

Cool posts mmabbn and slamming.

Like seeing Yves in there, but the judges are brutal, as usual. I mean a guy with little to no MMA judging experience, first UFC fight judged, and he's doing a title fight?

not a fan of D'Amato's MMA judging record

jackangle - not a fan of D'Amato's MMA judging record


plus Im not a fan of judges with NO mma judging record scoring TITLE FIGHTS. what a cluster fuck..

I love Lavigne!!!!