So I missed out on the good tix early, was wondering if it's worth buying the nosebleeds - not sure if they're having screens @ the venue, and I don't want to sit way back and not be able to see anything.
Any info is appreciated, thanks!!!
So I missed out on the good tix early, was wondering if it's worth buying the nosebleeds - not sure if they're having screens @ the venue, and I don't want to sit way back and not be able to see anything.
Any info is appreciated, thanks!!!
I've sat a couple times in those nosebleed sections. It's an arena so if you don't mind being high up looking a distance down, go for it...
heck go just to hang out with fellow ugers.
i'm sitting in the 5th row on the floor. I hope to get get hit by blood.
Let's get it ON! I hung out with Daniel Puder today. He's gonna wreck his guy.