Lee Murray 4 part Documentary

Watching the last episode now

It’s definitely his kid,

Looks like a little carbon copy of Lee

Skelboy was equal to or greater than Baron Von Beatdown!

LOL. He was sumpin.

Mr.Zipplokk sent lots of Skelboy’s threads to the “What If” forum,so they are no longer available :frowning:

Zippy & Skelboy did not get along.

Zip got a lot of beef. He was smug. I hung out with him a few times. Always good with me.

How many times did he show you his Rolex watch?

  1. and mine was 3x as expensive. It was just a Sub iirc.

TTT for Next Generation MMA & Chris Brengan.


*Skelboys real name was Steve Smith.

Skelboy was a master troll character. Not as obvious as a donbreakyourarm1 but just as consistent.


Changin’ name o’me school,mate.


London, England - One of the United Kingdom’s most notorious and popular “hard men”, known to fans and critics alike as “Skelboy”, intends to change the name of his wildly successful martial arts academy.

Opened only at the start of the year, “Next Generation” has already become both a place to learn deadly martial arts techniques and the center of controversy not seen since the infamous “Watergate” break-in. As Skelboy himself describes it:

"I come up w’the name ‘Next Generation’ while I were watchin’ Star Trek an’ havin’ a wank. I got spunk on the screen an’ while I were tryin’ t’find some Mr. Sheen t’wipe it off I had one o’them ideas, an’ that idea were t’call me school either ‘Next Generation’ or ‘That Troi Bird’s Baps’. I liked the second one better, mate, but I thought it might confuse the punters so I went w’the first instead.

Anyway, turns out that this yank poofter called Chris Brengan or somethin’ has a school w’the same name. Who fuckin’ cares, right? That’s what I thought, mate, but then his bender friends start sendin’ me them death threats on e-mail an’ stuff, sayin’ I ‘copied’ the name. I told ‘em nobody owns the name an’ that if they show up like they says they was gonna we could do it however they want, mate - blades or no blades, London style - but then they all shut up pretty sharpish. It’s a good thing, too, ‘cos I likes me stabbin’ an’ one time I knifed a bloke in the bum outside Stringfellows."

The trouble over the “Next Generation” name and brand identity refused to die, however, and returned soon after in a more sinister form. Using his power on the internet’s largest MMA forum, MMA.tv, Skelboy rival and forum moderator Chris Brengan began to try and censor any posts relating to new “Next Generation” school, even those by respected professional fighter and acquitted terrorism suspect Leigh Remedios. This angered Skelboy and forum members alike, as many clear-thinking individuals saw it as an unfair use of Brengan’s moderator powers.

“Brengan is a cunt, mate. He deleted me posts ‘cos I made him look fuckin’ stupid,” says Skelboy. “All them steroids have eaten away his brain until he can’t read proper like them kids what sniff glue. He come at me w’personal attacks but as a pro fighter an’ businessman I know I got t’set one o’them examples for kids what don’t have no parents an’ can’t afford shoes. If Brengan had his way then all them kids would threaten t’kill each other an’ censor internet posts when they had a fallin’ out, mate. I seen the facts, guv, an’ violent crime has gone up in California since Brengan were born. I reckon we all know why.”

Initially, Skelboy did his best to ignore the frequent personal attacks and threats of physical violence that came from Brengan and his supporters. However, after Brengan began to brag about abusing his unchecked moderator privileges, Skelboy was forced to take more extreme measures to resolve the issue.

“I’m gonna change the name o’me school t’shut them daft bastards up,” he explains. "I got the idea when I were wankin’ an watchin’ that Cartoon Network, mate. I seen a program what had a flyin’ car or somethin’ an’ one o’them gorillas or somethin’. I says ‘this is crap, mate,’ an’ I were gonna change the channel an’ see if there was a documentary about Sam Fox on’ or somethin’, but then I sees the name o’the cartoon an’ it says ‘Ghostbusters.’ At first I thought maybe I was on acid or somethin’, but I shut me eyes an’ it were still there when I opened them.

Ok he was pretty obvious lol

Baron von beatdown was Stephen quadros.
the man who ko’d Rogan in a Vegas casino bathroom.




shhh, don’t ruin the legend.

That’s great. I would write my boy’s material. Which normally resulted in hours of hilarity for us.

Ahhh, the good ole days. Where not even my shot glass was safe.

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Whoa,didn’t know that yumaslim was a Moderator.

J was only a mod on the mem ground.

His ride just got 1st place at a Car Show.