Leonard Garcia out vs Bruce Leroy


Jim Hettes is taking the fight.


Play time is over ....boy...

It must be a pretty severe injury, Leonard fights banged up all the tiem.

I still am not counting out the judges awarding Garcia the W even in his absence Phone Post

jdindiana -  I still am not counting out the judges awarding Garcia the W even in his absence Phone Post

 LOL so true

i wonder if he will use his "multiple" hands technique to win tho ?

Probably an injury from the ranch. Like a kick to the ribs from a breaking a wild horse.

ebullock - Probably an injury from the ranch. Like a kick to the ribs from a breaking a wild horse.

It is broken ribs... but it happened training

The pic of the banged up ribs from breaking the horse was a kid named brad who lives at the house.

Oh and Hettes takes this one by submission

Gator Choke - Jim Hettes is taking the fight.

Bad news for Leroy Phone Post

BryanHamper - Oh and Hettes takes this one by submission

. Phone Post

Wrapped jim's hands a couple times and cornered against him...he is a beast on the mat!! Glad to see him get this fight!

 lol...looks like it huh! i finally figured out why i couldnt login...only took me a year or so haha

Jimmy is a monster! Bruce Leroy better come correct! Phone Post

 I almost feel bad for Bruce Leroy... almost.

I've trained with Jimy and he is a freak. Its like the rules of physics don't apply to him.

 I agree with everyone saying Hettes takes this.  He is a really humble guy and extremely talented. 

Heel hook