Leonardo Caught Doing Coke?

You guys are retarded. He had a pack of cigarettes and pulled one out for his friends and took one for himself. In his other han he picked up what was probably a pen.

He didn't rub his nose, he CLEARLY coughed and then wiped his MOUTH.

Jesus Christ.

He wiped his nose a lot in "Whats eatting Gilbert Grape" also.

lol thats a classic

"They looked like deers in the headlights"

That sums it up pretty good, IMO

He did look like he got caught doing something he wasnt supposed to be doing.

My buddy pulled third shift and watched the replay when he got home. He said they did NOT show it.

I thought it was coke too, but I could be a cig....

Definitely need pics...

Looked at it again, didn't look as bad as the first time a saw it... although it still kindof looks suspicious.


Ok, I did a capture and you can clearly see its a cigar. Blue namer please:


I just watched the video again, leo defenitely has some snowflakes he wipes off his nose!

You can also see a white straw lookin thing in his hand when the camera pans on him

Actually upon viewing the replay he was clearly nervouse because it was NOT NOX-CG3 it was infact GNC off brand supplements... he hid it in hopes of still recieving a sponsorship from Xyience for his upcoming fight scene in whatever homo-erotic film hes currently working on.

I think it was a giant hypodermic needle or a pickle.

On watching the replay, it was definitely "the food of the Gods", now in convenient snortable containers.

We took the disc to my brothers house today and watched it on his 50" Pioneer Plasma and you can clearly see white powder on his nose. You can also see his friends lips saying "Watch out Leo, watch out"

But really, it might have only been a little Arm&Hammer Baking Soda that accidentally got on him........


looked like some good fishscale to me

There is no smoking inside any athletic venue anymore so it couldn't have been a smoke.

It was the end of the 2nd round of an exciting fight and I know he wasn't going out for a smoke break.

I watched it 3 times and he definitely wiped his nose, not his mouth, and when his friend pointed him out on the bigscreen he looked away like he was hiding or embarassed.

He was snortin' IMHO, and if I still did coke I'd be doin' a couple of rails myself...

"There is no smoking inside any athletic venue anymore so it couldn't have been a smoke."

Last I checked, coke wasn't allowed either.

I saw that shit too.....I was laughing my ass off....I'm surprised that so many of you noticed that as well...

We tivo'd it and I watched it about 6 times....that mutha fu#ka was doing a bump....He got caught....no question about it....can someone please post that clip???????