Lesnar vs Couture

I see the UFC are calling this the biggest fight in UFC history. My question is why? Lesnar has had 3 fights. won against some japanese pro wrestler, lost to Frank Mir and won a fight against Herring. Hardly what you'd call an experienced fighter is it. I think the UFC needs to cool its jets with the hype. I mean they are making UFC fans out to be morons.

Keep it real Dana!

Go Randy!

Guys who have been around don't get fooled into believing that BS hype.

The UFC markets to people that don't know the sport's history that well.

In the end, the public determines what is and isn't the biggest fight.

It isn't that the UFC markets to people who don't know history.

They simply market to the most people possible.

It's a safe bet this will be the second biggest fight in history. Biggest, who knows?

In boxing, the last century had probably 30 fights of the century, so second biggest being marketed as the biggest isn't much of a stretch.

IRNBRU - I mean they are making UFC fans out to be morons.

Keep it real Dana!

He is...they are.

end thread.

I'm not paying to see Couture walk through a hyped up fake wrestler.

It might actually become the biggest fight in UFC history, depending on how you define big......

I see the UFC are calling this the biggest fight in UFC history. My question is why?

The UFC markets to people that don't know the sport's history that well.

RIP Randy

"I'm not paying to see Couture walk through a hyped up fake wrestler."

I didnt know that NCAA wrestling was fake.

True that. Its all in the marketing to those that dont really know. Just this morning there was another link on the main page of msn.com directing one to Kimbo...

 The UFC knos that the hardcore fans will buy, if not for this fight for other fights on the card.

Thay are marketing to the casual fans that will buy because of Randy's and Lesnar's name recognition and how much the figh is hyped. They are marketing to the same people that tune into CBS to see Kimbo fight. Those fans are the difference between 350k in PPV buys and 800k or a million.

Like it or not that is the business end of MMA. Without a profitable business model we will not have any fights to watch.