Lesner won the first round

I just saw the fight again last night and I had brock winning the first round. didnt see couture doing much other than getting to his feet and land a couple small shots. brock came with heavy knees, punches, and takedowns! it was wierd because I remember everyone including randy thought he won the first round

I think he did too. Lots of people did. I think what people saw was Brock fading a little bit as things went on while Randy seemed more or less the same...and then he got KO'd :)

I though Randy was potentially winning the 2nd round prior to getting hit with that big shot. Round 1 was definitely Brock.

Domingo - I think he did too. Lots of people did. I think what people saw was Brock fading a little bit as things went on while Randy seemed more or less the same...and then he got KO'd :)
I though Randy was potentially winning the 2nd round prior to getting hit with that big shot. Round 1 was definitely Brock.

I thought Brock was fading, but then he appeared to get it back. Randy also looked to be fading.

And Brock hit Randy with more big shots than just the punch that knocked Randy down.

yeah thats the one thing I can see might be a problem is going 5 rounds with that huge body. although from listening to the nelson interview they said he was still ready to go another 4 rounds.

 i had him up also

I think Brock won the first round. he definitely won the second round. LOL.

Brock definitely won the first, but Randy looked good and everyone I was watching with started to believe he could pull it off.

And then that damn Lesnar had to go and punch Captain America in the head.

"Brock definitely won the first, but Randy looked good and everyone I was watching with started to believe he could pull it off."

Exactly what I was thinking. Brock won but Randy wasn't gone and he was looking pretty good for the most part.

im going to have to re watch it because i had Randy winning rd 1 easily

 I also had him winning. Randy looked good, but Brock won that first round.

 i was rooting for randy but he did not win a round


Not getting absolutely dominated does not equal winning.

 I thought it was Lesnar's fight for almost the whole fight. I rewatched the fight with no sound (at work), and aside from a couple of strikes, Randy just survived. Lesnar had the takedowns, the striking and the aggresivness.

Randy survived a couple of those strikes but you can see at the end that he was done, really done.

I thought Randy was also potentially winning the second round. Before Lesnar's punch, it looked very conceivable that he had a decent chance at winning the fight.

Randy won the first round

"sparkyman -  I thought it was Lesnar's fight for almost the whole fight. I rewatched the fight with no sound (at work), and aside from a couple of strikes, Randy just survived. Lesnar had the takedowns, the striking and the aggresivness.Randy survived a couple of those strikes but you can see at the end that he was done, really done."

yeah I think people also put too much value into that cut. im not sure how it happened but lesner was not affected at all by it other than checking to see if it really was bleeding one time. randy landed a couple decent shots but nothing compared to what lesner threw at him, he took some pretty heavy shots before finally going down

I thought Brock won the1st as well... I have seen the fight a few times now and still give Brock rd 1. BUT Randy IMO was defeinitely winning the 2nd...I thought he did more and landed more in the 2nd...

I had Brock winning round 1 by a slim margin and fading in round 2, up until the KO.

 Nobody has mentioned one thing that was obvious to me.

Brock was just too big. RC really couldn't get his arms around him to clinch properly.

That's an important factor. When the guy is just too much bigger his opponent and has skill, leverage is almost impossible. You can't get a body lock and you can't get a decent clinch. The guys arms are too big to control and you can't get wrist control either with one hand. If you have to devote two hands just to get control and reach around the wrist, you're not going to be able to control him.

Now, obviously, really big guys with bad balance and no grappling can be thrown around and their weight used against them. Royce would have had the same problem with Akebono, but was easily able to use his legs and then work A's lack of flexibility and zero ground game against him.

But Lesnar just is too good a wrestler and had good functional strength. RC was just at too big a size disadvantage to get anything to work.