lets learn about BYUH

so i lived in Hawaii for over 20 years of my life. and i never once learned a thing about BYUH and its huge associated mormon population out in Laie. didnt really care to learn actually, but i gotta admit that everything out there seemed to be a great mystery. only thing i knew about them is what i saw when i drove past. which is not much.

lets learn together. learning is fun...

homeless BYUH student spends 1 year living out of his van

"day in the life of a BYUH student"

not a bad looking university. much cleaner than UH Manoa. nice student to teacher ratio. if i were a crazy mormon, i'd consider going there.

question for the HG: why does that NZ accent make poly girls - even BIG poly girls like the one in this video - seem so much more attractive than HI polys?

dating at the BYUH campus.

(note: hot girl with a lazy eye at the 2:03 mark)

you do realize i am an honorary hanai closet mormon and now my association with you will probably cost me that card and discounts at the pcc?


PatrickFreitas - 
var so = new SWFObject("http://www.youtube.com/v/_0fkEyia7ks?fs=1&hl=en_US", "postVideo-34141718-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-34141718"); "day in the life of a BYUH student"

not a bad looking university. much cleaner than UH Manoa. nice student to teacher ratio. if i were a crazy mormon, i'd consider going there.

question for the HG: why does that NZ accent make poly girls - even BIG poly girls like the one in this video - seem so much more attractive than HI polys?

edumacation and class is the deciding factor.

good lord class.

ps. if you expect locals to have this anymore, you're painted as an elitist.

PatrickFreitas - 
var so = new SWFObject("http://www.youtube.com/v/O0Wg9VPcXlM?fs=1&hl=en_US", "postVideo-34141810-Flash", "425", "355", "9.0.28", "##000"); so.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "samedomain"); so.addParam("allowNetworking", "internal"); so.addParam("wmode", "transparent"); so.write("postVideo-34141810"); dating at the BYUH campus.

(note: hot girl with a lazy eye at the 2:03 mark)

lazy eye girl has the katie holmes thing going on.

i like katie holmes

and lazy hasn't been soiled by teh cruise yet.

I think I can sum up BYUH pretty good.

You guys know about BYU-Provo...the mothership campus right?

-> You minus all the lily whites and put in Polynesian Mormons in its place ...you have BYUH

->You minus all the big money donation from rich mormons...you have BYUH.

->You minus the real strict honor code....you have BYUH.

Finally.....you minus a first rate academic reputation...you have BYUH.

Simply put... BYUH is behind UHManoa, Hawaii Pacific U, and Chaminade in terms of "prestige" on this island.


An old coworker of mine (Samoan Chief) used to tell me that the Noga's (Al, Niko, Pete) were NOT a well liked family when they went back to Samoa. Pretty much indicative of what Mobutu is saying. They would go to church (in Samoa) with out shirts on, puffing out their chests like it was going out of style, and they were just itching to prove how bad ass they were.  

thus 357 vs 45 cal threads.

TheAlchemist - An old coworker of mine (Samoan Chief) used to tell me that the Noga's (Al, Niko, Pete) were NOT a well liked family when they went back to Samoa. Pretty much indicative of what Mobutu is saying. They would go to church (in Samoa) with out shirts on, puffing out their chests like it was going out of style, and they were just itching to prove how bad ass they were.  

Wow, haven't heard the Noga name in a while. Last I heard there was a contract to kill one of them or maybe all of them. I thought thats why they left Hawaii but I could be wrong.

I don't have any problem with BYUH or mormons, I just don't like giving my money away to anyone. 20% after taxes would cause me to be homeless.

Nope I was right.

Noga Brothers Report Threats


The lives of two brothers who play for National Football League teams have been threatened by people associated with organized crime in Hawaii, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said Tuesday.

The threat against Niko Noga, 26 years old, a linebacker with the Phoenix Cardinals, and Al Noga, 23, a rookie defensive end for the Minnesota Vikings, came from friends of some men the brothers fought at a Honolulu discotheque in July, Eugene Glenn, a special agent in charge of the F.B.I. office here, said.

^^Dude wasnt that like 1984? Im sure the threat has been squashed.

mad tiger - ^^Dude wasnt that like 1984? Im sure the threat has been squashed.


I saw Al at one of the local gym about two years ago. I also saw Al recently "jogging' around the Honolulu Zoo area. Sad to say he looked to be in bad shape physically. All those years of pounding on the body apparently have taken it toll on him. Limping around like a 70 year old man.

mad tiger - ^^Dude wasnt that like 1984? Im sure the threat has been squashed.

I know it was a long time ago I'm just saying that I heard thats why they left Hawaii, since another poster said the Nogas went to Samoa.

It must have been serious and heard on some wire or electronic survillance to get the FBI involved. Why would two monsters like the Nogas care if it wasn't serious?

Is it over? probably. But thats what I heard is the reason they left Hawaii for a spell.

I'm still against giving any church any money much less 20%.