Let's stop with the fake weigh-in and

FETT_Lay'n'PrayNINJA -
knockoutfighter -
mikesepejr -
ttiger1 - The actual weigh in happen earlier in the morning. They come in during a set time period and weigh in with no face off. When they face off later in the day and step on the scale they are not really weighing in Phone Post 3.0
Wow thanks for clearing that up for everyone, very informative stuff. Phone Post 3.0

I was confused. I saw a video of all of them weighing in but out of order and no face offs. Phone Post 3.0
That was this morning. So the past few events they have switched to a new policy. They get a 4 hour window in the morning to weigh in. The televised thing on fs1 is for show. They are just reading off the weights from the morning and then having them face off. They have to do it this exact way until the fox contract is up. The difference in the morning 4 hour window versus before is they don't get a 2nd chance if they miss, but they have those 4 hours and also much more time to recover versus the evening weigh ins. It's a great policy. Phone Post 3.0
I fully agree with the policy, way better for the fighters.

I just can't stand the stupid pretend weigh ins.

And no offense to anyone asking about it, I really thought everyone knew at this point that they were all for show. Phone Post 3.0

Yeah the scale is a waste as is having them strip (except the ladies, so I'm okay with it).

Then again it's only a 30 minute long process and would like only shave 5 minutes to skip the weight part.

From what I've heard it needs to stay this way until the current fox deal is up so you'll just have to get the fuck over it ;-) Phone Post 3.0

Remove the scale, have them walk up to the stage and flex as they are introduced, then face off. Phone Post 3.0

bigconk74fe - Remove the scale, have them walk up to the stage and flex as they are introduced, then face off. Phone Post 3.0
Kinda what Nate did. Shirt off, jeans, quick flex then face off. Phone Post 3.0

MountainMedic -
FETT_Lay'n'PrayNINJA -
knockoutfighter -
mikesepejr -
ttiger1 - The actual weigh in happen earlier in the morning. They come in during a set time period and weigh in with no face off. When they face off later in the day and step on the scale they are not really weighing in Phone Post 3.0
Wow thanks for clearing that up for everyone, very informative stuff. Phone Post 3.0

I was confused. I saw a video of all of them weighing in but out of order and no face offs. Phone Post 3.0
That was this morning. So the past few events they have switched to a new policy. They get a 4 hour window in the morning to weigh in. The televised thing on fs1 is for show. They are just reading off the weights from the morning and then having them face off. They have to do it this exact way until the fox contract is up. The difference in the morning 4 hour window versus before is they don't get a 2nd chance if they miss, but they have those 4 hours and also much more time to recover versus the evening weigh ins. It's a great policy. Phone Post 3.0
I fully agree with the policy, way better for the fighters.

I just can't stand the stupid pretend weigh ins.

And no offense to anyone asking about it, I really thought everyone knew at this point that they were all for show. Phone Post 3.0
Ok I watched the official weigh ins.

Since this new policy I figured the weigh ins were just held earlier. I didn't know they actually did a "fake" weigh in for face offs.

Why not just call the fighters out and call it the "face offs"? I have been following the sport for a while so I get it even though it looks silly, but I can see a bunch of casuals like "wtf he didn't even weigh in" "this is rigged" not knowing about the pre- weigh ins. Phone Post 3.0

^^^this was the first weigh in I have watched in many events. So I haven't seen the fake style yet. It was cool but yeah just skip the scale and face off! Phone Post 3.0

ttiger1 - Just let them come in and face off Phone Post 3.0
Couldn't agree more. It's pretty lame Phone Post 3.0

I don't mind them weighing in early off camera but it would be cool if they actually weighed in before the face off to see how much weight they have gained. Then weigh in right before they enter the cage. Phone Post 3.0

gallo_de_ pelea - I don't mind them weighing in early off camera but it would be cool if they actually weighed in before the face off to see how much weight they have gained. Then weigh in right before they enter the cage. Phone Post 3.0
I've been hoping they would do the one right before the fight starts for years. Boxing does it. That would be great. Just have a scale by the cage and have them stand on it while the officials check their cup and nails and shit. Phone Post 3.0

knockoutfighter -
MountainMedic -
FETT_Lay'n'PrayNINJA -
knockoutfighter -
mikesepejr -
ttiger1 - The actual weigh in happen earlier in the morning. They come in during a set time period and weigh in with no face off. When they face off later in the day and step on the scale they are not really weighing in Phone Post 3.0
Wow thanks for clearing that up for everyone, very informative stuff. Phone Post 3.0

I was confused. I saw a video of all of them weighing in but out of order and no face offs. Phone Post 3.0
That was this morning. So the past few events they have switched to a new policy. They get a 4 hour window in the morning to weigh in. The televised thing on fs1 is for show. They are just reading off the weights from the morning and then having them face off. They have to do it this exact way until the fox contract is up. The difference in the morning 4 hour window versus before is they don't get a 2nd chance if they miss, but they have those 4 hours and also much more time to recover versus the evening weigh ins. It's a great policy. Phone Post 3.0
I fully agree with the policy, way better for the fighters.

I just can't stand the stupid pretend weigh ins.

And no offense to anyone asking about it, I really thought everyone knew at this point that they were all for show. Phone Post 3.0
Ok I watched the official weigh ins.

Since this new policy I figured the weigh ins were just held earlier. I didn't know they actually did a "fake" weigh in for face offs.

Why not just call the fighters out and call it the "face offs"? I have been following the sport for a while so I get it even though it looks silly, but I can see a bunch of casuals like "wtf he didn't even weigh in" "this is rigged" not knowing about the pre- weigh ins. Phone Post 3.0
It's the wording of the fox contract from what I understand. They have to have a "UFC Weigh In" show on fs1/2 before every event. Phone Post 3.0

Op is a faggot. Doesn't want to see fighters like PVZ Felice gadelha Tate with barely any clothes on Phone Post 3.0

i like that athletes can weigh in whenever but i kind of agree..the fake weigh in is pretty hillariously stupid.