LG's Steve Steinbeiss vs Mark Munoz

MMAWeekly article

"He's not the best match-up for me," Steinbeiss tells MMAWeekly.com. "I'm a kickboxer and he's a national wrestling champ. I think I'll be able to hold my own. I guess you can look at it two different ways: one, you can say I'm going to get him while he's young to the sport; the other way, you can say I'm screwed either way."


Interesting fight...

Good luck Steve

Well that's not the most confident soundbyte I've ever read.

Steve is a great stand up fighter and has been working with some great wrestlers for a few years now. Hopefully, he can keep this on his feet and get the KO.

steve by kneeing during the shot.


Steve is the man and is going to shock the world!

I was just giving Mark his due. He was a National Champion wrestler and I didn't even wrestle in high school so I am not going to pretend that I will be on his level wrestling wise.
I am a better striker, he is a better wrestler, the ground work should be interesting.
The article sounds like I am a beaten dog but I think what I said just came out wrong.

-Steve Steinbeiss

Steve is a humble fighter. He wont ever have a posse or a huge mariachi style walkout but he can knock you out with his hands or kicks and he has good submissions. Great fighters will make this a great fight. Again the fans win.

Good Luck Steve...what show is this in?