LINDLAND backs out of Cage Rage

"i think everyone on that list would get beaten badly except maybe henderson and busta."

Care to share the complete thought and tell us by who?

um, I actually know the real story. about cage rage and matt lindland. I dont want to name the promoter but I heard it directly from him. Matt was offered a great fight deal on an upcoming promotion. No its not the IFL. And yes Cage Rage works off of verbal agreements. They stick to their word, fighters should also. Imagine an honest promotion holding to their spoken word... However I dont think that cage rage would begrudge a fighter making a finer payday elsewhere.

"TTT for the #1 contender and the man Franklin fears!!!"


who is lennysir calling a jackass.? I was just stating facts. Cage Rage does not hold grudges when a fighter give reaonsable notice because of a better offer. Matt had verbally agreed. Maybe cage rage should start using contracts.

"Kind of lame to back out. When is the actual event?
Beating Silva (as he would have) would have possibly opened the door to an invitation to Bushido."

Ya, I would have to agree. Who is Lindland set up to fight instead? Maybe the its the money but unless he's getting the opp to fight Rich, his teamate Dan or Busta, or a rematch with Terrel, why wouldnt he take the opp to have a W over Anderson Silva?!?!

"dry humping of doerksen, yay"

"...i loved his fight with Doerkson, if you appreciate transitions and grappling."

Let me reiterate that for ya, JB, "IF YOU APPREDCIATE TRANSITIONS AND GRAPPLING" and sub attempts and a rare good guard battle from the guy on the bottom AND top.

"Lindland never signed that fight... so he didn't back out."

Uhhh, I'm sure the offer was put out there, otherwise why would he deny it? Cage Rage offered the matchup and Lindland backed out for a better offer. Sign or no no sign, he declined the fight.

Twist it however you want, Eddie...

hmmmm... ttt

fighting in SD?

" Why Ya Drippin"
are you still there pussy cat ??

Huum you "know some fighters on the show", man I always thought that
you sounded like a sissy, now I'm sure you're one.
nuthugger of 2nd class fighters that you are...

If you make an agreement verbal or written IMO you should honour it. If I where a promoter i would respect a fighter more if he where to say "yeah i'd love to fight for your org. but, i have made an agreement to fight for someone else already", im sure they could have worked something out so he could fight the event after in the 'US Organisation'. One thing is for certain CR need to start having written contracts as it is very tough on the fans who bought tickets mainly to see (insert one from the list of names) fight and he pulls out. Not all alternative fights can be of cyborg/manhoef quality.

BTW classy:

Andy Geer said, "It is difficult to hide our disappointment, but MMA is getting so popular worldwide that the big money offers are coming thick and fast to our world class fighters. All we can do is wish him luck and move on; it is the fans I feel sorry for but rest assured no-one will be disappointed with the replacement".

lol....ok but you and me we both know you're a sissy.....

funny..... but still a sissy!

I dont blame lindland. Although, Cage Rage is the most honest organization I have dealt with and Ive dealt with everybody but pride ( coming soon ). They have this problem before with vitor, lindland and a couple of other fighters. Cage Rage will not stop a guy from making a better payday. Verbal Agreements are made. email is as good as gold on my part and their part. Man, you guys are crazy sometimes. this is actually one subject I have direct info on from both sides. I just dont feel it would be right for me to say where lindland is going. But I hope it works out well for him and Cage Rage will find a suitable replacement. Dan Tharp

lol @ no written contract... thats too much

and btw, The bank account will not dry up for cage rage ! lol they are just taking their time and doing proper business and as Ive stated before, they have turned down 2 us ppv deals simply because they sucked ass. The oddest part is that when we go over there, the promoters actually talk to us and treat us like human beings. Its like a huge family. Again, they would not harbor bad feelings for someone making a substantialy higher payday if they cant match it. bTW, I know the Numbers $$$$$$ and the UFC is fucking CHEAP !!!!!!

jack tripper, what part is funny, that they dont do one or that lindland broke his agreement ? It is a wierd deal but in some wierd way, it makes the trust level higher.

zealot is correct. I lost a lot of respect for Lindland. and I hope Cage Rage sign contract with their fighters now.