Lindland Responds - InsideFighting


hahaha... that was fantastic...


Excellent post by Wildcard! Tony, please re-read Wildcard's post. No, actually READ it. Now, think about it. Now, switch to decaf, and just let it go.

Also, learn the difference between "who's" and "whose". You paid far too much money at community college to have let your education go to waste...

What he said and 12gs a year really isnt worth the public humiliation.

To The Top!


Holy shit! I thought the Travis Fulton thread was entertaining, but this is ridiculous! And to think, this thread is only a day old.

TTT! phil hasn't responded to what Matt said....

ttt the law.

How do you keep hundreds of MMA fans in suspense?......

Verbal KO I believe.

I give matt all the credit in the world for the hard work he has done. But he does bore me during his fights. Sometimes I do not care wheteher a fighter wins or loses, but if they put on a good show then I like them. I just think Lindland needs to be lined up against different opposition (like sak) to bring the better side of him out. Gassing baroni is no good for him for the third time!

You end the suspense by putting an end to this.


You ducked my post. Go to page 9 or so and read it, then respond to the specifics. Thanks.


ttt for Michael DiSanto btw, for acting so professionally about this. a pity some of his journalists can't do the same. nice site michael, you and some of your co-workers do some great work.

Has anyone ever considered approaching Matt Lindland to write some articles? The boy has the same sort of skill with words that he has with takedowns.


Someone should look into finding out the words for "OWNED" in as many languages as possible.

*Goes over to Tony, and whispers...*

"Did that hurt?"

"Lindland's writing is as boring as his fighting. My eyes started to get heavy around paragraph #2. "

It's not Matt's fault you have the attention span of a 3 year old.

I would like to point out Tony's errant critique of Lindland's
response. Tony claims Matt uses no evidence to support his
arguments, only to insults. Well, I would encourage Tony to
revisit Matt's response and perhaps take a course on
argumentation (I teach one and I'll let him audit my class).

As an argument, Matt uses Tony's article for evidence. Matt
makes a claim such as "I believe (and you will doubtless
come to believe) that you are an idiot" and proceeds to cite
specific passages within the original Tony C. article --
evidence for his argument.

Matt also draws from personal ring experience and
observation as evidence for other portions of his argument.
This evidence withstands scrutiny because of Matt's
credibility as a fighter.

When measured against the argumentative structure of Matt's
article, Tony C's original article is whoafully underdeveloped,
relying on personal opinion and observation -- without the
benefit of credibiltiy -- to sustain his position.

So, it is my professional opinion that Tony C. has been,
without a doubt, owned by Matt.

Caiazzo= 'Munson' from Kingpin.

New Baroni supporters= 'HI CAIAZZO!"
