Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

Tony vomited forth:-

"I do realize that to many this looks like Fred Ettish vs. Wand"

You leave Fred Ettish alone! He showed great courage;
we are in his debt.

Pop-culture references aside, you really shouldn't compound your juvenile attacks on respected fighters by disrespecting Mr Ettish like that. It hardly adds to your 'journalistic credibility' and isn't impressing anyone.

Tony, the way you argue with people sounds like an angry teenager. Unfortunately, that way of arguing doesn't impress anyone who's past that stage of their life, it just makes it clear how immature you are. I suggest you shut up, and either give up the writing or endeavour to do a lot better next time.

Every time you open your mouth, you just sound like an ass. Give up the speeches, because this thread won't die until you let it die.

"The boy has the same sort of skill with words that he has with takedowns."

Amen, Elvis.

ttt for Lindland!

I like Matt Lindeland more and more.

Dude is sharp. The funny thing in the whole of Smak talk he OWNED Jabroni.

Awesome post by Lindland.

"While I would love to get into the trench in here and go at it with Mr. Lindland,"

BWAHAHA, that would be like watching the Iraqi army trying to fight the US all over again. Dont even attempt it man, Lindland owned you and most of what he said was 100% correct. You cannot rebutt the truth.

You keep talking about rounds and round one is over well I hope round two is in the streets or a gym. You have managed to make a negative and disrespectful comment to just about every group on this web-site. I really get a feeling from you that you don't like women or their opinions. You don't need to blow off what a girl says and call her fangirl and chicky because if you listened to yourself for one minute you would realize you are the one that doesn't know what you are talking about.

You definatly need to stick a fork in your jounalism career because it is done!


Until there is a poll conducted, I will disagree- I think most fans do not find him boring.

The stands empty so fast during a Lindland fight you would think someone was running around spraying anthrax. Zuffa would be better off trying to get Murillo back. Hes skilled in all areas, can knock people out and submit them. Not to mention he beat Lindland twice in one match rather easily.

i bet the stands were not empty during matt's fight with busta. if they ever gave him a match of consequence, people would watch.

Lindland rules. Best fighter and shittalker in the 185 division.

Whoever said he is boring is thinking back to a couple years ago...Matt gets better and more complete every time. Do you have to punch refs and abuse drugs to get signed.

I though UFC was for the best fighters in the world???????

Actually, MMAWeekly reported that Matt is a fight promoter for Sport Fight and is looking for his next opponent, but not unemployed.

"wow, one person in 14 pages that says linland isnt boring, can we go for two?"

I'm two. Lindland isn't boring, his fight with Vitale was fantastic and he looked like a machine, both his Baroni fights were great, etc.

Anyways, plenty of folks on here have stated that they don't find Lindland boring, this thread isn't the be all and end all of Lindland threads, he's pretty often discussed on here, which must say something about his popularity in itself.

"Matt is a super talented fighter, but does Sak or Tank Abbott, or Bob Sapp have a problem finding an opponnet?"

Sak and Bob Sapp are in Japan, which is a completely different market which we could discuss if you like.

Tank Abbott is indeed having trouble finding an opponent.

"Hey Ring Girl, i would love to see your penance be 5 minutes in an octagon with Jennifer Howe.
Maybe that will shut your instigating pie hole."

That seems somewhat harsh, given that she was posting something that Matt Lindland had specifically asked her to post here.

is anyone else laughing at tc comparing his skills as a jounalist to fred ettish's as a mixed martial artist?

Funny how people dodge the fact that he rarely loses and finishes most of his opponents. He dominated Vitale standing, clinching, and on the ground displaying a guard that people keep saying he doesn't have. It's like buying a blue car and telling everyone it's green when clearly it is not. He usually finishes his opponents, he rarely loses, he was very exciting in his last several fights and he is at the top of the food chain in his weight division, and all you guys can come up with is some BS saying the exact opposite of the truth. How retarded.


It has been said several times on this post already, but you are way to unprofessional to be a journalist.  Slamming on fans it is not a good idea, especially if you wish to have them read your work.  You attacked Matt, so he has every right to respond.  I like Matt, but I would have liked to have seen him keep it more professional. However, since it appears that talking trash keeps below average fighters employed, and great fighting does not, Matt gave you a well deserved verbal lashing.  I have respect for InsideFighting, but not for you.  You suck as a journalist.  Your posts show your immaturity.  Attacking fans is not smart.  As far as the silent majority, most of the mma fans that I know are not on the net, but they enjoy watching Lindland.  I know that is not scientific proof of anything, but I have yet to see you offer up any scientific proof of anything.  For your information, you did not take the high road.  You DID resort to making hairline jokes.  Your personal attacks were pathetic.  Matt was at least funny with his personal attacks.  You got beat in every way.  That equals owned in my book! 

Even if the UFC isn't going to give Matt any more fights, which is a big mistake in my book, the least they could do is get him do do colour commentary, the guy is surprisingly witty.

Great post Lance Campbell !

The 15 pages arent about whether he is boring or not.

Its about his response.

The people that defend Linland which are the vast majority on this thread are people that would like to see him again. The thought that people defending him dont want to see him, well, that doesnt make sense, now does it?

" you'll see that even those punches, thrown at an unsuspecting man who was focused on ensuring Phil's safety, didn't land either." LMFAOROFL