Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

I support lindland

Good posts by Lance and fish!

And LOL@BigRob for accusing me of some mysterious internet 'sin'!

dana...what is wrong with you?...stop drooling over baroni and get lindland back in the UFC...the guy is at the top of the division for goodness sakes!!

I noticed one thing....all of the people complaining about Lindland are regulars from Tito Ortiz's site... including Caiazzo.

I got a real kick out of reading TC's article.  I do not know if anyone noticed, but he said in one sentence that he has never seen a boring Phil fight.  Then two sentences later he says that Lindland/Baroni II was a snoozer.  I would like to thank TC.  If it had not been for him, I might not have ever learned that it was possible for a "snoozer" to not be boring!  Thanks, that was very informative!  Next time I watch a snoozer, I will have to ponder on the issue of whether or not it was boring!


Edited for typo.


Talking about Baroni's spaz-and-gas technique is hardly patented. It's not like the person who wrote about the haymakers and gassing a couple weeks ago was the first to do it, either. Plenty in Matt's post was original and there's nothing wrong with reiterating points.

Whos lindland to critique anyones punching technique. His has got to be in the top 5 for worst ever.

He is good enough to have beaten Baroni convincingly on two separate occasions. 

Lindland has won more fights by stoppage than Baroni has even won.  Baroni has barely even won 60% of his fights, and Matt has won over 50% of his fights by stoppage.

Linland is a hard worker and true athlete, but he is no saint, he just appears that way next to Baroni. It was pretty slimy when he wouldn't admit that he was tapping to Busta and allowed the fight to continue (only to be beaten again shortly after). Even though Linland has a much higher win percentage than Baroni, nothing he has EVER done has been as exciting as what Baroni did to Menne or Suloev. He wins, but it's not fun to watch.He may be a nice guy in person , but a Linland highlight reel is not on anyone's wishlist.


That was a OLYMPIC level smacktalk.

They must train that in the olympic training centers


Lindland did not "fake tap".  If you watch closely he was attempting to find Busta's leg so that he could push it off of his head to defend the armbar.  It was a unfortunate situation.  It looked like he was tapping at a glance, but when I looked more closely, I could see what he was doing.  He was however in big time trouble in that situation, and if it had continued in that position, he probably would have had to submit.

You cannot say that "a Linland highlight reel is not on anyone's wishlist".  It may not be on your wishlist, but you cannot speak for everybody!

Hilarious thread!! Still makes me laugh today.

lol @ Ciazzo.

The Baron.

classic thread...poor tony...haha

this is the best shit ever. He sure kills the "stupid fighter" myth doesn't he?


Awww. I wish I got here before Baroni decided to delete his post... Wonder what it said...