Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

I agree with everything Matt said.

LMAO, I especially liked the cross-eyed white belt rolling with Rickson Gracie in his heyday line.

Gary Hughes bad Dana won't let phil respond......

How dare Matt try to use intelligence in his rebuttal. All he had to do was call him a retard.

TTT for The Law.

phil's response would be a recycled woogie joke or something...which is lame

"As far as I can tell, based upon my observations, Phil's game plan, the one "people pay to see", consists of him coming out, throwing two or three minutes worth of barroom haymakers, gassing, getting dumped and mounted like a cross-eyed white belt rolling with Rickson Gracie in his heyday, and either hanging on for dear life and hoping the bell rings, or flailing away and eating punches, elbows and then slugging the referee."

That's a funny ass paragraph. And what makes it better is that it's totally true.

Somebody sign Lindland up for the OG!

Without a doubt the best verbal comebacks in the history of the forum.

Matt you are the man in the cage or behind the keyboard.

ttt The Law.

While I would love to get into the trench in here and go at it with Mr. Lindland, I am going to take a higher road, not stoop to his level of name calling- and respond in an article over at InsideFighting

I will say this much- Matt Lindland should keep his fights in the ring.

'the law' just restored my faith in the value of a college education.

That's the funniest thing I have read in years. Matt doesn't win this one by decision it is a first round brutal KO.

Now where's my cheese doodles?

Tony- the best bet is to not respond. There is absolutely nothing you can say to rebutt any of his comments.

You are not taking the high road, you are taking the smart road.

Matt went to college, because he writes well and knows how to formulate his opinions and support them, and as far as I know he doesn't even have a degree in psychology like Baroni does!

"While I would love to get into the trench in here and go at it with Mr. Lindland, I am going to take a higher road, not stoop to his level of name calling- and respond in an article over at InsideFighting

I will say this much- Matt Lindland should keep his fights in the ring."

Fool you just got clowned by a hillbilly! Don't even try to deny it. I don't think you could actually stoop to his level. It's way over your head dog.

LOL@Tony suddenly claiming the 'high road' -- you initiated the low road with your article. Matt owned you.


Nicely said Matt! :D

"I don't think you could actually stoop to his level. It's way over your head dog. "

Zilla is correct!

LOL Tony don't challenge Matt to a verbal war because he'll verbally KO your butt.

glassjaw...i believe he already over!!

You guys have fun going on with this one, I'm bowing out. Definition of ownership is a funny thing in the MMA world.

All I can say in here is simple. Matt Lindland can assume to know a whole load of stuff about me, and then try to insult me based on what he assumes. The rest as far as I am concerned, is To Be Continued......