Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

sounds like a punk who got PUNK'd

never battle verbally with the LAW

Lindland Is The Man! He's the best 185 pounder the UFC has, and I'd pay to see him fight anyday.

Lindland by verbal abuse 55 sec, rd 1

Matt just plain and simply owned Tony.....Matt has the mic skills and the writing skills....I agree with whoever said he should commentate when he is not're the man Matt

You've got yourself a new fan.

InsideFighting is one of the best MMA sites with good interviews etc.

That said, this time they screwed up IMO.

LOL@Tony threatening Matt, then 'bowing out' -- since the definition of 'owned' seems to be troubling you, shall we suffice to say you got your ass kicked?


Holy shit, that verbal beat down was more entertaining than many of Phil's fights.

If it was me that got clowned like that, I would go into hiding for a year.


I'm really not interested in getting into a battle with your fan-girl self over this.

I wrote something that didn't portray a TQ fighter as the God you believe him to be, and ya know what?

The main thrust of what I said was that Lindland doesn't get an emotional response from the general fans. So what did he do?

He went Phil Baroni on me. LMAO. He called me a bunch of names, AND decided to finish his post off in a threatening manner. Sound familiar?

My ass kicked? Please. In a verbal situation, I can hang with ANYONE including Matt Lindland. You guys will certainly enjoy what is forthcoming.

I hope that this whole thing actually helps Lindland's career- because everyone making all their assumptions is making everyone look, well, rather retarded.

LOL! Go Camel Killer!

I wouldn't respond for the simple fact that it's ultimantly going to affect how the fans percieve ''. It'a a great site but you clearly can't show that kind of bias without having something to back it up. It seems like the 'journalist' in question just choose to side with Lindland detractors and go with it from there.

I don't know why it took this for fans to understand that Lindland is the man, I've always been in his corner and always will. This is this man's way of feeding his family and some of you should check your opinions at the door. I hope Lindland takes over for Randy after he retires.

Yay! I wrote a negative article about a pro fighter. He wrote a witty and intelligent response back. So instead of responding to that letter, I will write another earthshattering negative article about him!

"You guys will certainly enjoy what is forthcoming. "

LOL, I am already enjoying this.

"My ass kicked? Please. In a verbal situation, I can hang with ANYONE including Matt Lindland."

Postering? From a 'journalist'?!?!?!

"because everyone making all their assumptions is making everyone look, well, rather retarded."

Congratulations. You just called the majority of the people who read your site retarded. That's sure to bring in more viewership.

You're a piece of work, Tony. Lindland owns you, so you turn and pick on me. Ooooh, tough guy!

Everyone can see you got owned, it's not even a debate - and the more you argue, the worse you look.

Tony fought the Law.... and the Law won.

If there is indeed going to be a revenge article written about Matts responce it had better impartial and based on fact otherwise your worth as a journalist will be diminished even further.


CSC - I think the perception of InsideFighting is that we didn't shy away from publishing Lindland's response, just like we don't shy away from one of our writers having a controversial opinion. The pieces sit side by side on my site. Tony's opinion is Tony's opinion. Matt's opinion is Matt's opinion.

I called Matt a few minutes ago and he was on a conference call. When he calls me back, we're happy to let him know that if Tony decides to publish a reaction that Matt will once again be given equal opportunity to respond. That's just how I believe in doing business as I respect both of them.

PS: If you don't like the 'zombie groupies' who seem to outnumber both you and a certain unnamed reporter maybe you should take it to Fightsport.

The ass-kissing continues...
kying418, you are still a little faggot.