Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

"I'm bowing out."

let me translate....this means "I have to proof to back up my claims"

Wow. Lindland can lay the smack down hard.

Your point is taken, however, in every publication I have ever read whether it be Time, Newsweek or I've never seen reporters call the participants names. That seems more akin to the 'O'Reilly factor' or 'Rush Limbaugh'. The last time that facts were so blatenly wrong someone ended up fired at the New York times.

I've never seen CNN call Michael Jorden 'boring' even in his old age. Maybe I have a different perception of how respectful you should be when a man's livelihood is on the line, it almost seems like a 'kick him while he's down' situation. Especially when that man's only crime is winning. I'm glad you are framing this properly though, so at least we know this isn't neccessarily the opinion of (which is still a site I frequent daily).

Mikal- thanks I enjoy my role.

Matt's smack talk is second to none. It is amazing!

...holy fuck, that was so funny it's almost painful.

Tony, bowing out would be the best option for you at this point my Somebody go get Lindland some 'Cheese Doodles' for that one ! If I had his address, I'd mail them to him myself LOL !!!

A simply classic post by Lindland.



camel killer did some additional ownage as well.... i'm awaiting
matt's response to tony's response.

i love it when a moron doesn't comprehend his capacity or the
capacity of the person he's arguing with and struggles to deal
with it.


You guys don't even realize what you are doing! Your responses just prove that what I was saying is true.

People enjoy it when a fighter yaps- which is one of the arguments I made in my first article. Look at this thread! People are goin nuts for it. More proof that I am right.

And RG- I'm not attacking you. I am responding to your instigation of the situation and then your profession that I have been "owned". LMAO.

Owned? Ass Kicked? You gotta get off the net chicky, because it is physically impossible to get your ass kicked via this thing. If it were possible, I am sure that I would have had an Internet Monster jump through this monitor and kill me a long time ago.

i think she ment verbally...u were owned verbally

do u not agree?????

LOL@JudoMo -- Tony clearly has trouble with anything other than a purely literal interpretation. Thank you for translating for me. ;)

CSC - I appreciate the support. Just because a piece sits on my site does not mean it reflects the opinion of the site as a whole.

he is still an ear biter

this is marketing genius.

more hype and traffic to his website and more hype and hoop la for lindland while we're at it. Everyone wins. Even baroni wins. Even Caiazzo wins. EVERYONE will flock to see who/what he writes about next...

OWN3D is right. Damn

I am a Matt Lindland fan from now on!




TTT for Lindland, laying down the law!

That was an awsome post by Lindland. DiSanto is a genius.