Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

Absolutely hilarious! I liked Matt before,I really like him now. Those two shouldn't even have the face to respond publicly.

"he is still an ear biter"

not true.....if he still is, he would of did it in the last fight. If Matt is "still an ear biter" then Phil is "still posing for Pics for men"

"matt lindland is now wanted for verbal manslaughter in 50 states and puerto rico."

oh man!! HAHAHHA

Matt Linland is one funny guy. He owned and spanked the joker who wrote that article. I guess Linland has a knack for spanking people who get in his way -- see Baroni.

TTT for the Law!

lol, you guys laugh when they tear up an article on a site but can't stand it when you say something out of line and they're quick to correct that ass on the forum

lindland, while witty and funny, tried a bit too hard there to bash someone who wrote something unflattering about him IMO

If Matts fights were as brutal as his writing he would be the number 1 draw in all of MMA.

Let it all out in the ring, Matt.

-Just a suggestion.

Wow; Lindland is an articulate dude. Also, he is the man.

damn tony you got smoked. if i were you i would never write again. ouch. you and the other clowns at insidefighting should hang 'em up.

looks like Tony is out....cold


Actually, this issue is not a dead one.

Unlike the world of real fighting, the art of debating is one which The Law should understand. He took an article which questioned his entertainment value personally, and decided to respond to the author with personal (and extremely unfounded and weak) insults.

As a professional athlete, Mr. Lindland should be aware of how to deal with the media. My response to Mr. Lindland is complete and should go up within the next day or so.

While I expect that the fanboys who make up the internet population of MMA fans will automatically side with Mr. Lindland, the truth is that there is a silent majority in MMA who don't waste their time with message boards, etc. Were I to sink to his level, comments about hairlines, and a variety of other valid insults could be hurled. For those of you expecting that in my response, do not hold your breath.

It is sad when a journalist has to be the one to rise above personal attacks, but that is what I have done in my response.

And all of you fools will read it. You know you will.

So really, who wins? I think I do ;-)


Matt rules.

Tony -

It's a little hard to 'side' with you when you
constantly litter all your posts with insults towards
MMA fans and InsideFighting readers.

Calling your readers 'fools' and referring to the
Internet fanbase as 'fanboys' does not win you any
favor or respect.

Who is this 'silent majority' who don't waste their
time with the message boards? And if they don't
spend time on the message boards, are they
bothering to visit InsideFighting either?

You belittle your own job when you demean the
MMA fan population here on the Internet.

" the truth is that there is a silent majority in MMA who don't waste their time with message boards" - Actually, this sport has a much higher percentage than virtually any other in terms of message-board usage. I can't recall the last time Michael Jordan or Barry Bonds spent time interacting with fans on a message board. There is a HUGE amount of fan and fighter support on this forum. So, once again, you are wrong.

"And all of you fools will read it. You know you will. So really, who wins? I think I do ;-)" - Hmmmm, so EVERYONE on the board is a fool? Wow, you really are a nation-builder, aren't you? Get over yourself; you'd "win" if this built any credibility to your shaky foundation as a "journalist". It, however, doesn't.

I know, I know: you're smart and we're stupid. You're wittier than a pro fighter. Keep telling yourself that everyone else is wrong, that might help the old self-esteem problems, Mr. Journalistic Integrity...

oh pleeease, don't make fun of matt's hairline because he exposed you for the hack that you are.....
when i first read the article my response was "no surprise" because you and the rest of the clowns at IF seem unable to come up with anything better.

Rack up another win by TKO for Lindland.


This is the most intertaining post I can remember ever reading. Way to go Mat Lindland!!

Harry C.

"The more I think about it, I've spent more time riding Phil in one fight Than Lane Frost spent riding bulls in his entire career."

Matt is the man. damn, that was a real nice pice.

I officially declare myself a Lindland fan forever!

No offence Matt, you look tuff, but I never would have guessed you were so articulate.

Mr. Caiazzo, cut your losses, admit you were wrong, appologise, and move on.