Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

Elvis, you're just an internet fanboy whose opinions don't matter to Mr. Journalism. Keep your comments to yourself, and join the "silent majority" ;')

OMG that was fucking funny! Get MAtt back in the UFC now!!!!!!!

Tony Caiazzo: "As a professional athlete, Mr.
Lindland should be aware of how to deal with the
media. "

It seems at though he's 'dealt' with you pretty well.

InsideFighting is not required reading, Tony. Your
behavior reflects on your employer and could
potentially turn people away from that site.

Look at that dweeb; what a bitch. This is probably the best day of his life.

When Matt retires he would definately do well as a writer.

He may not come up with his smack on the spot but when he does it is well worth the wait.

"So really, who wins? I think I do ;-)"


It was great. Lindland just responded to you bashing him and did way too well for you to handle. Don't be a pussy about it.

coming back with some weak ass line that you're going to take the high road and not respond to the remarks. its because you were owned and you can't come back with any response. good job matt

Tony reminds me of all my goombah buddies who worship Joe Mesi because he is an Italian-American ( but completely overrated) boxer.

LOL @ Jaydub. Maybe InsideFighting shouldn't renew his contract...

Wow, what an amazingly badly researched and written article.

Mr DiSanto, I am a fan of your site, and can understand your not being afraid of your writers expressing extreme opinions, but that doesn't mean you should take on writers who can't actually write very well.

Journalism isn't pro-wrestling any more than MMA is - extreme personalities need to be backed up by actual skill or the publication becomes a joke. Everyone has opinions, the art of journalism is to express them in an engaging and intelligent manner.

That is some funny shit, too bad he isn't as exciting (for my taste) when he fights. I do think he is improving by leaps and bounds in every aspect.

Heh, yeah, Elvis.

Now if only Matt could KO people inside the cage like he KO's them verbally, he would be the most exciting fighter on the planet.

Well said, estarriol...

Maybe Joe Rogan has some work for Matt.

LMAO, that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen writen on here

hahahahahahahahahahah everyone get your licks in.

Hey, I didn't run from this controversy. Instead, I published Matt's email with the attention and focus that it deserved.

I personally called Matt today about an hour after all this hit the Web. We had a very good conversation. He knows where we stand as a site, and where I stand as a person, on the subject as does Randy Couture, who was in the room with Matt during the conversation.

There is a difference between columnists and journalists.

Columns are a mix of op-ed and whatever the writer wants to put in.

That is what Tony's article was. It did not include facts, researched or otherwise. It was generally opinions and declarations with no backing.

Since he calls himself a journalist that is very very bad form. You don't talk about difference in PPV #s unless you have them. You don't talk about 'silent majorities' unless you've done polls. You certainly don't talk 'for' silent majorities as a journalist since a journalist is not supposed to speak 'for' anyone.

Now a column writer can throw out all sorts of random shit, and that is what Tony did.

Lindland was entirely correct in taking him to task as a journalist, since his article was so shabby.

For DeSanto, this is great. It will only draw more people to his site to watch the war of words. It is the equivalent to getting some heat up for a fight. I think it should just be clear that what Tony is writing isn't a journalistic article, but an op-ed piece. Ie... don't take anything in it as fact, but only his opinion.

If Tony's piece is an opinion piece, perhaps he
should leave out phrases like this -- "I am simply
stating how things appear from the perspective of
an objective critique. " His claim to be objective
and free of the 'emotional constraints' he accuses
Lindland fans of having, is one of the problems
with his article.

I have a feeling that the "war of words" is over, although I've been wrong before.

By the way, what's up with the title of this thread? Matt responded to Tony - as he made very clear in his piece - and not to "InsideFighting."