Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

LMAO!!! Tony Caiazzo how does it feel to be owned and verbally ass raped by a hill billy.


Michael: "By the way, what's up with the title of this
thread? Matt responded to Tony - as he made very
clear in his piece - and not to "InsideFighting." "

LOL - umm, he does work for you and the piece
was published on your site.

I wouldn't publish any more stuff by this guy.

Inside Fighting is a pretty good site. Don't bring it down with crap.

you should send that guy walking michael. what a clown. he makes the rest of you clowns almost look not so bad.

"you should send that guy walking michael. what a clown. he makes the rest of you clowns almost look not so bad."

I agree...what a pathetic display by your writer. He made himself and Insidefighting look like ass clowns.

"By the way, what's up with the title of this thread? Matt responded to Tony - as he made very clear in his piece - and not to "InsideFighting.""

Mr DiSanto,

Your site is a journalistic website, not a forum. You do not have the luxury of pleading neutrality as regards articles posted on your site, as *you* have published them. You did not write that article, but you choose to publish it in the way it is published, and as such, you allow it to represent your site.

If you wish to publish articles but not have them represent your site, I suggest you go to greater lengths to make that clear in some way. How you achieve that is up to you, although I can provide suggestions if you wish.

Good luck with your excellent site in the future, although as a regular reader I would personally prefer if articles such as the current controversy were left unpublished.

LOL@westcoastbadass - I was beginning to wonder how we
made it to page 9 without the Crown Prince of Team
Quest haters showing up! Now where's BMT and we'll
have the whole dysfunctional family...

*sorry - double post*


daaaamn. matt totally owned tony.

BTW, I support both Phil and Matt. Both are great fighters and I hope to see both back in the octagon soon. Classic. I don't know where to start. Papers of ownership should be drafted and signed. There has never been a more convincing showing of ownership yet on the UG. There is too much material to comment on, so I will narrow it down to the most silly comments of all. "While I would love to get into the trench in here and go at it with Mr. Lindland, I am going to take a higher road, not stoop to his level of name calling- and respond in an article over at InsideFighting I will say this much- Matt Lindland should keep his fights in the ring." – TonyCaiazzoAnnouncing that you are going to take the higher road is an inherently suspect thing to say. At best this was your first step towards your career as a snake oil dealer. We all know that Matt owned you online, so your advise to him is laughable."You guys have fun going on with this one, I'm bowing out......" – TonyCaiazzoThis was actually a decent idea, but oh well..."My ass kicked? Please. In a verbal situation, I can hang with ANYONE including Matt Lindland." –TonyCaiazzoMatt owned you. Camel Killer continues to own you, when will you realize this? You can't hang period."Owned? Ass Kicked? ... it is physically impossible to get your ass kicked via this thing. If it were possible, ..." –TonyCaiazzoOwned as in Matt and CK have made you look so pathetic that everyone reading the thread thought to themselves "damn, TC just got owned." It was a complete destruction. It was like a two move checkmate. Disgraceful."Were I to sink to his level, comments about hairlines, and a variety of other valid insults could be hurled. For those of you expecting that in my response, do not hold your breath. It is sad when a journalist has to be the one to rise above personal attacks, but that is what I have done in my response." –TonyCaiazzoThis the most pathetic one yet. Don't you realize that you just did sink to that level? Are you that confused? You just attacked his hairline, so don't pretend you didn't. Unbelievable. You claim to have risen above this behavior, while all the time behaving like the bottom feeder you pretend not to be.-jk

Leave BMT out of this!! LOL!!


I can't believe you said that Matt isn't worried about improving his skills when Phil has been the one constantly limiting his skills to just striking...You take Matt's last fight and see the improved submission game as well as striking game that he has and compare that to Phil's big surprising striking for 1 minute and gassing game that hasn't changed since I can remember him fighting.

Westcoast what are you talking about. Your very immature in your thinking, doesn't make any sense. Very young.

TTT for the Law!

*sorry, I keep getting double posts for some reason*

Maybe Matt can litigate his way back into the UFC like he did at the Olympics..?

"pulls his helmet off and does his carefully rehearsed boogaloo dance"

I want to see matt do this dance now ... lol

I think the forum is acting like a bunch of apes that discovered a drop shipment of bananas in the middle of the jungle. Matt delivered the bananas, people ate them, and are now disappointed that Tony won't give them some. Look, the truth is that nobody was offended by his article until Matt responded to it; or if they were, nobody said anything about it, which means either way it wasn't much of a big deal. People are on Lindland's bandwagon now because he laid some major verbal smackdown, and somehow this has turned into a gigantic righteousness and mob assault on Tony C, when in reality nobody cared until Lindland responded. That said, I'm with the apes. I'm disappointed that Tony "took the high road", and I believe, as many members do, that did he did so because he was surprised and a bit embarrassed. Matt demonstrated considerable skill in dismantling the author on a personal level, and no one expected that. As one forum member said, Tony's high road is pretty dull, and in fact I find it a bit hypocritical. After all, his article *was* an attack on Lindland, and though it may not have been intended personally, Matt took it that way, just as any proud fighter would. For Tony to respond only on the IF website in the form of another article is disappointing. It's as if to say, "I'm superior to this form of engagement." But people should quit pretending that they were so upset with his article. Matt simply led the way. But all issues aside, we all know we want to see them go at it on this forum. We're being teased here. Come on, Tony. Don't back away from a fight that you started. Let's see whatchya got.

WoodenPupa: "Look, the truth is that nobody was
offended by his article until Matt responded to it; or
if they were, nobody said anything about it, which
means either way it wasn't much of a big deal."

Not true, I've been griping about that article since
it was published (see for examples). I
emailed the site as soon as I read it and saw that it
was published along with the 'ear biting' photographs
and suggested the photos be taken down. I know other
people have emailed InsideFighting as well. I read
complaints on Sherdog as well - maybe people weren't
complaining here, but there definitely were people
voicing disapproval of that article.

I for one have ALWAYS been a Lindland fan. I am a stickler for smart guys with big fists, that's the way it should be. I am NOT looking foward to seeing more from a 'journalist' who...

1) doesn't have a background in journalism

2) is little more than one of us with a site to post to.

Let sleeping dogs lie.