Lindland Responds - InsideFighting

I am a big Lindland I like him even more.

After my conversation with the Law today, he would disagree with you, Sil.

"but they are clearly the best writers mma has right now"

I would say that honour goes quite clearly to InsideFighting and several other sites do a good job, but Maxfighting has a lot of guys there who are very professional and write high quality material. Nobody on the internet at the moment does a good MMA editorial like, IMHO.

"After my conversation with the Law today, he would disagree with you, Sil."

So what *did* he say, Mr DiSanto? Is he glad to have the publicity or what?

Hopefully The Law will get a chance to come on here and update this thread personally.

ttt for the uncrowned UFC 185lb champ.

Lindland has improved his striking (he looked like a different fighter against Vitale) as well as his smack-talk!

"He was moving so slow, even his own shadow was pushing him!"



Estarriol - Mike or Michael, please. The Mr. stuff has to go.

Matt reply was aimed at one particular piece, and not the site as a whole. Matt and I are both grown men, so it was important for me to get on the phone with him and 1) let him say whatever was on his mind and 2) explain our big picture perspective. It was a good conversation, and we look forward to doing more features with Matt in the coming days/weeks.

"People enjoy it when a fighter yaps- which is one of the arguments I made in my first article. Look at this thread! People are goin nuts for it. More proof that I am right. "

Maybe ppl are just happy to see a fighter whose proven his ability over and over again beat you at the game you deem is so important to us?

I like, and Michael DiSanto, and I think Michael is a top notch journalist....But the other clown has got to go. Matt Lindland OWNS him, and he should pack up his unattainable goals of ever being a journalist, and keep his day job. Matt you are GOD. This is a definite KO win for you, just as brutal as Liddell vs. Mezgar!

TTT like I said. You deserve it. This crack baby needs to learn another lesson. I'm confident you could manipulate him into a public apology... HAHAHA

That aside, I hope folks take a second to consider the core issues which Matt argued and weren't really "journalist" related:

#1 You beat Baroni 2x, you should be fighting, while he should be sitting on a stick.

#2 You have finished a high percentage of your fights, while Baroni hasn't even won a high percentage of his fights.

#3 You are the best in your weight division, while Baroni is... not.


Mike, thanks for the info. I'm glad you're handling the situation well and have cleared the air with Lindland, but I really think you need to make it clearer on your site that the opinions of the writers don't reflect the opinions of the editor, as that assumption is not the default.

The author of that article could both learn some manners and get a good idea about how to deal with the public from you.

Truth.Gotta love it!

"The author of that article could both learn some manners and get a good idea about how to deal with the public from you."

Estarriol once again correct.

LOL ouch

Matt can talk some smack but it is the truth.

He also does seem to be getting better all the time too.

Great article.

Very well written.

And best of all.....very true.



This whole thing about ownership is hilarious. You guys are talking like the fight is over. As if you can declare ownership in favor of Lindland at this stage? We just finished round one. And really, when was the last time Lindland finished anything in the first round?

I'm glad that you guys are backing up your fighter, I expect as much.

Someone did mention the high percentage of MMA fans who are a presence on the internet. I actually address this topic in my response, and use numbers to back up the truth. There is a very big silent majority with regards to MMA, and the numbers don't lie. At very best, internet MMA fans only make up around 1/4 of the total fan base, and that is using the numbers from the second worst PPV out of the last five (43 which had 40,000 buys)

I do realize that to many this looks like Fred Ettish vs. Wand, but for anyone versed in the art of debate, it is clear that all Lindland had in his response was a bunch of speculation and unsupported claims (which came in the form of insults). Mr. Lindland should realize that after accusing someone of something, to go back and commit the same crime is a "classic chump's mistake".

And LoL@ Ring Girl, just because I have to LoL @ her at least once a day.

The truth that I see is that anyone removed from the situation (I.E. not a Lindland fan) is that there are a great deal more people who agree with me than you could gauge based on the response in here. The emails to the editor back this claim.

Some people choose to disagree when they read stuff in here, but stay silent because they don't want to deal with the flaming that they will recieve. I have the balls to take whatever anyone can dish out via the internet, and backing down from these personal attacks is not something I intend on doing. Even though I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my response is air tight, I also fully expect that nothing I say will sway certain people. In the eyes of many, I cannot win this fight. But I know that there are also a lot of people out there who are interested to see how this situation unfolds. And there are people who are objective enough to see the arguements for what they are. On the one hand you have someone who's entire premise is based on discrediting an author by insulting him (as well as tossing veiled threats). On the other hand you have someone being objective and making valid claims without being insulting.

Put it this way, Matt Lindland thinks he can speculate about who I am, when he hasn't a clue.

In conclusion, don't play the role of ring side judge until the final bell sounds- and it hasn't yet.


Will you just SHUT UP and quit. It is obvious you are anti-lindland or his style or whatnot.. WHO CARES about your opinion anymore. We've all read the article..

This whole thing is pathetic... Someone says one thing and someone else disagrees...


"On the other hand you have someone being objective and making valid claims without being insulting."

Yet you take a cheap shot RingGrrl of all people?!?

"And LoL@ Ring Girl, just because I have to LoL @ her at least once a day."

That was weak.

Do yourself a favor and stop. You're digging yourself a deeep hole.

"Look, the truth is that nobody was offended by his article until Matt responded to it"

the truth is Matt can respond to anything he wants to on here anytime he wants because it is highly entertaining. He should also come out with more t-shirts.

"You just got owned by a goat farmer!!"