Lindland vs MVA

Fightsport reports this has been announced by RAZE.

Interesting fight. Very tough matchup for Lindland at 205. He'll be giving up a lot of size, and MVA is much faster and more explosive than Matt. If Matt can last, he'll get the win one way or the other, though, since his conditioning is far better than MVA's and so is his submission ability.

Lindland by choke

Lol, yea, if MVA looses he will not be back in the UFC 205 division

The new and improved Lindland wins this one.

I'll take Lindland by a nose, but it's a very tough matchup for him.

I think MVA is already out of UFC. Linland should come in as the favorite in this fight.

MVA swings hard he could catch Lindland, but if not, I see Lindland winning

Matt by kneebar

If MVA can keep it standing, he'll get the KO, IMO.If he can work the underhooks and wizards to get the smaller, slower Lindland off of him.. he'll win. Otherwise, I see Lindland winning the same way he always does.

Bad matchup for Lindland IMO. Randy Cuture had truble with MVA and Randy is a bigger better version of Matt.

I hope they're paying Lindland very well to fight at 205.

"Bad matchup for Lindland IMO. Randy Cuture had truble with MVA and Randy is a bigger better version of Matt."

For me, this means a compelling fight. Props to Ze Law for taking it. I change my prediction to flying triangle.

when is this fight happening? Go Matt

I find it strange that after a great start, then years of sporadic activity, plus several back-to-back losses, people still give MVA the time of day.

"mva will out wrestle lindland for the first few minutes, then gas out and get subbed by lindland. boring."

Correct. As far as submissions go, MVA is still the same clueless wrestler he was 8-9 years ago when he started fighting.

"I find it strange that after a great start, then years of sporadic activity, plus several back-to-back losses, people still give MVA the time of day."

Because he's a wrestler.


Props to Lindland for taking this fight. He pretty much has nothing to gain here and a lot to lose. IMO


He does have a lot to lose, so yeah, Lindland's the man here...

I also think he'll sub MVA... Pretty easily actually.. Hasn't he tapped 3 BJJ black belts now?