Linkin Park selects hot female singer Emily Armstrong

Wow, her vocals are actually perfect in a lot of these songs. Especially Lying From You.

Here’s a guy taking crowd footage where you can hear her w/o autotune:

Very impressed. Will definitely catch them when they tour in North America

wood satisfying GIF

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So now the internet is blowing up because she is apparently a Scientologist and supported Danny Masterson at his trial.


As a big LP fan im happy that Mike, Brad etc get to continue their work and make new music, i just wish they had the decency to do it in a new band.

Hate hate hate when bands replace lead singers.

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ok fuck scientology. They shoulda brought in Bobby Amaru then


It kinda looks like a bunch of nerds inviting the hot blonde girl to join their band just so they can be around her.


I’m not even a huge fan but that is terrible. She looks like someone’s mom up there. There’s at least 100 other front men hungry for a job and have stage presence that they could have picked from.

When I first heard about this I thought it was “put a chick in it and make it gay” and that Linkin Park shouldn’t have ever replaced CB or tried fo put out new music under the same name, as in they should have formed a different band.

But she’s a solid fit, she captures the essence of what Chester put forward, I don’t think she hits it vocally 100%, but who ever could? The guy has a unique singing style and is 1 of 1.

In review, it’s extremely unfair to hold the new singer to Chester standards, luckily most commenting agree she’s sort of nailing it, good enough at least, and it’s even more unfair to ask a great band never to work again under the same name or works because one of them killed themselves.

TLDR: I hated it at first but did a 180 once I listened, she’s legit and LP deserves to be able to tour their music.

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Why? Apple and Microsoft are still called that even though Jobs is dead and Gates is retired. Show business is a business like any other and anyone that’s earned fame has the right to capitalize on it as best they can.

Emily is actually a really solid singer. She gets mad respect from a lot of solid musicians. Hopefully, the old scientology stuff is behind her.

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Damn she sucks. Doesn’t sound like Chester at all.

It’s going to be trash, like when Stone Temple Pilots tried replacing Scott Weiland with Chester Bennington, ironically.

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It sounds alright.

She sounds good. Kinda like lzzy hale.

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Not a fan of the band really, but that was alright. Cool stage setup.

linkin park has always sucked but i’m not surprised they found a way to suck even more

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I would see them live if they toured.

Hybrid Theory is one of the best albums of all time