List of biggest muscle in mma

Extremely gay thread op

Gary Goodridge should be top 5 Phone Post 3.0

Kelvin Gastelum fan -
Firemansam - 

This thread is epic. Phone Post

lol. you have a thing for wangs
Shhh Phone Post 3.0

WFA!! needs to be be moved to cum swallowing, cock gobbling, fuck me in the ass ground. Until then I will not read!! Phone Post 3.0

And lol at everyone who's head it went way over Phone Post 3.0

44 Magnum - Beep nothing, more like the foghorn of the Titanic
Lol! Phone Post 3.0

I know there's gonna be A LOT of discrepancy. But i will not waiver. This is my list n ive put a lot of thought into it.


You seemed to have put a lot of thought into fighters cocks. What a weird number to stop at also with 43. It shows you really were certain with your picks and did not just throw a bunch of names out there to hit top 10, 20,30,40,or even 50.

This may actually be the gayest thread I have ever seen on this website and that is saying something considering the type of threads that happen on here. So I guess wear that with some gay badge of honor.

You lost all credibility as soon as I saw that bob sapp wasn't #1. Phone Post 3.0

Krazy Horse is GOAT IMHO. These TUF noobs don't even know the story behind his nickname. Phone Post 3.0