List of UFC 100 Events and Parties

I am constantly updating as people contact me about their afterparties and events...

Check out the list at

Thanks Tracy. I was going to create a thread about any other evetns, after parties, etc. that were going on while I was in Vegas. I saw the flyer for your party on Friday night. I may have to stop by. There's a group of 5 of us so I am sure we're in for GOOD TIMES!

And by the way, I'm doing a Fight preparty on Friday night... Come check it out! If you want to get on the guestlist, let me know!

 I should be at Prive on Friday night :)

Big EP - Thanks Tracy. I was going to create a thread about any other evetns, after parties, etc. that were going on while I was in Vegas. I saw the flyer for your party on Friday night. I may have to stop by. There's a group of 5 of us so I am sure we're in for GOOD TIMES!

Let me know if you need to be put on the guestlist!

Updated with Tao Beach Pool party Friday hosted by Chuck Liddell



message sent

got them, thanks you guys!


Thanks for doing this Tracy...

Any chance you can do a similar thread for UFC 101 in Philly?

I would love to get in on some of the pre and post fight meet-and-greets and parties.


BigRay - Thanks for doing this Tracy...

Any chance you can do a similar thread for UFC 101 in Philly?

I would love to get in on some of the pre and post fight meet-and-greets and parties.


I am sure that I will be doing one for 101.. :)

added Dan Henderson's afterparty



3t for later

 The all female fight card at the Orleans is on friday not saturday.

Are weigh ins for UFC events free? I've never been.

Yes they are Knux.


Knux -  The all female fight card at the Orleans is on friday not saturday.

Are weigh ins for UFC events free? I've never been.

Yes they are, if you're a ufc fightclub member go to the website and you can rsvp for the weigh ins. It will allow you to get in earlier get better seats and attend the Q & A