
i thought it was close. i had never seen Dean fight and his takedowns were much better than i expected

Lister did very well I thought. He is a grappler that uses footlocks and half gaurd. Not that good for MMA.

I thought before the fight Arona would just leg kick him to death and keep it standing but Lister has some decent take downs. It was an exciting fight.

Props should be given to Lister for a good show and proving that he is a legit up and comer. I think props should also be given to Arona for another exciting fight (3 in a row). I'm sure if he gets Jackson or Shogun next fight it will be 4 exciting fights in a row.

I think most people would agree this fight went how most people expected. Arona far superior standing. Arona having the positional edge on the ground. Lister having some footlock sub chances.

So was Lister also originally a wrestler or what? If so, what point did he wrestle up to?

Arona didn't appear to be in that great of shape (by his standards), hopefully he will get in tip top condition for RD 2.

Lister looked better than I expected, he just needs to work his striking more. Tighten up his defense, and work that counter punching, when Arona missed with those swings and was off balance with his chin sitting high and wide open, Lister should have tee'ed off on him.


"So was Lister also originally a wrestler or what? If so, what point did he wrestle up to?"

He was a CIF high school champion in San Diego.

What alot of newbies and even some uneducated long time fans of the sport seem to not understand is styles make fights.. you cannot judge a fighter of a few fights.. David Terrel is an awesome MMA fighter so is Arona and so is Dean.

Given the right opportunity any three of those guys can pull of some amazing beat downs given the right circumstances. It seems the older this forum gets the more the census of this place seems to be filled with either jealous grown men who feel the need to be tough and cute behind a computer insulting fighters because they can't get away with it in person or little kids who don't know any better, one of the two.

What fight were you watching. Lister was completely outclassed. He was getting killed on feet. Completely over his head and on the ground was just eating shots. Did he land any effective strikes. It was pathetic to watch one of America's top BJJ black belt getting tooled by one of his chief rivals in in grappling. Dean needs alot of work.

Bottom line Arona pretty muich had his way with him. Obviously we were not watchign the same fight because Arona pretty much walked over Lister. I guess you guys don't remember thr shots of Arona at rings side during Noguiera match looking like he had even fought that night.

What fight were you watching. Lister was completely outclassed. He was getting killed on feet. Completely over his head and on the ground was just eating shots. Did he land any effective strikes. It was pathetic to watch one of America's top BJJ black belt getting tooled by one of his chief rivals in in grappling. Dean needs alot of work.

Bottom line Arona pretty muich had his way with him. Obviously we were not watchign the same fight because Arona pretty much walked over Lister. I guess you guys don't remember thr shots of Arona at rings side during Noguiera match looking like he had even fought that night.

What fight were you watching. Lister was completely outclassed. He was getting killed on feet. Completely over his head and on the ground was just eating shots. Did he land any effective strikes. It was pathetic to watch one of America's top BJJ black belt getting tooled by one of his chief rivals in in grappling. Dean needs alot of work.

Bottom line Arona pretty muich had his way with him. Obviously we were not watchign the same fight because Arona pretty much walked over Lister. I guess you guys don't remember thr shots of Arona at rings side during Noguiera match looking like he had even fought that night.

Siezure? party of one?

perfect example of my above comments

LOL @ 1984Neil for talkin out his ass in such a way that would get him fuckin beat down if he was standing in front of me

good post SD.

also lol at the tough guy threats over the internet

Getoff your weak as soapbox. I far from jealous of any of these fighters. To be quite honest, If I were younger I might have fought but whatever. Bottom line, is that I no Terrel Personal, trained with him since I got involved in the sport. I seen him grapple against Lister. Why would I be jealous of afriend. Make no since. Second, This is a forum to which people can post there views. You see it take all kind to make this world move. My opinion and I'm sticking to it is that Dean got manhandled my Arona. I believe he intentionally stood up several times to force Lister to stand as even a novice could see Lister was uncomfortable on his feet. Lister is not one of the top BJJ Player by accident he is a skilled grappler currently attempting to make the transition to MMA, not unlike Terrel or Arona. I would say they all have away to go before they are in the top echelon of the sport only time will tell.

Boy, I've probably done more in the combat sports by accident then you have on purpose.

The jealousy part does not pertain to you in general GFK..but to say that Dean was manhandled and or outclassed should be clearly viewed as a blatantly incorrect, overstatement. Outclassed fighters are knocked out quick, subbed quick, tko'd quick that was nowhere near the case here.

You say "Arona ran over Lister.." Dean was not hurt whatsoever except for a small cut The fight was obviously competitive, nobody was ran over.. you are just excited a bit I think.

"Boy, I've probably done more in the combat sports by accident then you have on purpose."

and for that old man I will hand you a cookie and leave you with this, most of what I commented about wasn't directed towards you.. but the ridiculous view of the fight was.

Have a good one sir

Come on SDcartel, Dean was hurt at least once but outclassed fighters aren't always knockout or submitted quickly. Terrel v Tanner was arguably a quick stoppage especially for title fight but Terrell was out of his league. Lister although he should a lot of heart took a Brazilain Beating especially when you consider that most Brazilians are rather average at best with there hands. I guess this is were we agree to disagree but I will say I have High hope for Both Dean and Dave as they are both have bright futures.

Cool, we can agree to disagree, but I will say that Terrel was hurt in the Tanner fight.. he continued to look dazed while not mounting much defense, that never happened in Dean's fight. Either way it's cool we can intelligently defend our arguments and I don't agree with you but respect your opinion.


I don?t post too often but some people just love to mouth off with little knowledge. I guess it makes their penis grow. Don?t take it the wrong way, it is just an observation.
For starters, when Lister and Terrell last met in a grappling match it was a virtual stand off with either guy engaging. After Lister went down and Terrell went up on points Lister sat down and looked to bait Terrell to sit into his guard. Terrell up on score was contempt just waiting Lister out. It was a chess match and a pretty boring match for the layman. You cannot discern anything from that match intelligently except to say that Terrell and Lister have a lot of respect for each other's game.
In MMA, both are guys who are just stepping into the game at the highest level so they are learning. Both are talented and competitive. Both have the drive to succeed. With Lister I have seen much less of him since I am in NorCAL so I have not seen him train as much. Lister is obviously learning that his standup needs work. I can speak more about Terrell who I have observed in competition, and at NCFA.
Terrell based on my understanding needs to cut weight better so that he has no gassing issues as occurred against Tanner. I am not taking anything away from Tanner, but experience talked a lot in that fight especially when his head was almost ripped off by that guillotine.
In Terrell, the intangibles are all there. But something that I think is occasionally overlooked in him is the freakish strength. He has very heavy hands that really come out fast. However, in his early contests he looked a little one-trick-pony using monster ?take your head off? shots. How will he fair against a better kickboxer? TBD.
The real thing that I find compelling about Terrell is his ground game. He is a submission factory. But his submission arsenal seems to revolve as much around pain submissions as joint locks and chokes. So you cannot just defend traditionally. The crazy splicers and what not that he ROUTINELY pulls off are just nasty. A what is even more remarkable about him is that I almost never have seen him on his back in competition. But in training I have seen his guard and it is elite. You are in real trouble in his guard.
I think that a lot of people jock-rode Terrell too much especially here in the underground. I look forward to seeing Dave get himself into a contest that will go to the ground so that his skills are better showcased. There is no doubt in my mind that he will gain a lot of respect.

"Bottom line, is that I no Terrel Personal, trained with him since I got
involved in the sport. I seen him grapple against Lister. Why would I be
jealous of afriend. Make no since."

GFK makes no since

Goku, get Lister's dick out your throat punk. Even the casual obverse could see that Dean was way out of his league as far as fighting Arona. Who has questionable hands at best but enough to school. Lister. Arona didn't even look like he had foguth after he beat Lister. The same cannot be said for Lister.

Once again you entitled to your opinion although you wrong and so am I.