
What's the difference between these two. They seem pretty much indistinguishable, no ?

Lister does more footlocks, and I dont think Dean is at 185 anymore, so he is a bit bigger. both near equal skill level (top of the Americna Heap)

Even though he got tooled by Tanner, I still think
Dave's better than both those guys (Lister and Lutter)
in MMA.

terrell's stand up is a hell of a lot better than both those guys.

Lister got served in Pride. He was completley outclassed. Lutter gettign caught in a guillotine chock as well Vitor is horrible. Dave has already beaten Listeron at least two occasions but I vaguely remember them fighting as Blue Belts along time along with Dave as the winner.

it sounds like I missed the Lister vrs. Arona rematch, Arona was more in control this time?

What Goku said. Lister lost but that was a great fight IMO.

I am glad to see both these guys fighting in big shows after hearing about their grappling on the UG for years.
Both have good futures. Will they be champs? Who knows, they both deserve to be in the big leagues though.

 Arona owned him that match. Lucky Arona didnt lay the heavy leather on him like he usually does... it would have been ugly.

I think Arona Purposly wanted to just out grapple him .. and he did

Haha! Isn't BUFFGEO Amal Easton?

lol @ Arona throwing heavy leather. When in the fuck has he really damaged anyone from Ground and Pound?

As, others may have said, Terrel has had a handful of KOs in his track record, so that would be a big diff. right there no?

"terrll has better wrestling and positioning..."

Well, Terrel was a wrestler first, I believe. Was Lister aswell?

No im not Amal... i train with him tho

and what i mean by owned is he impossed his game and Lister couldnt do anything of his.... Lister was running defense the whole match... thats owned in my book... just because he wasnt a bloody mess at the end doesnt mean anything

Arona normally grounds and pounds more but it seemed he was more into just grappling this fight...Maybe it because of the respect for listers ground game, it deserves it for sure.

Needless to say it wasnt close...

There, thats my explaination

Id like to add i think lister is awsome and will become a great MMA in time

"Lister got served in Pride."

Arona won convicingly but he didn't "serve" Dean... Pete Williams served Mark Coleman, Yvel served Goodrich..those are servings, plain to see a difference there. Arona outpostioned and caught Dean solid a few times but that is all the damage he could do, to say that Arona was not doing everything he could to hurt him is ridiculous and newbie-ish.. As far as the relation between Terrel and Dean they are very much alike.. Dean is more explosive with subs and Terrel has ultimate positioning as well as explosiveness. Dean lost twice by points to Terrel and he has alot of respect for him and vice versa I am pretty sure.

terrell is actually very good on his back, contrary to what happened at the ufc.

I would love to see them fight each other.
America's two top ground guys (arguably).
It's would be a great match for the UFC.

"and what i mean by owned is he impossed his game and Lister couldnt do anything of his.... Lister was running defense the whole match... thats owned in my book..."

Lister had multiple leg lock submission attempts and multiple take downs.

"Arona normally grounds and pounds more but it seemed he was more into just grappling this fight"

LOL at Arona the "ground & pounder"...7 out of his 10 wins were LAY & PRAY decision wins (didn't count the lister fight) & 2 of his wins were via submission.

BUFFGEO he has no clue.

so when Dean took him down twice w nice singles, mounted him and was close to dismembering his foot, he was getting completely owned??

"Arona mounted Lister every single round and OWNED him on the ground period!"

Arona did nothing in the mount and you forget Lister also mounted Arona, watch the tape again. Arona had 2 or 3 triangle attempts and they were definitely attempts because Horn had Dean in a full triangle and could not sub him and I think 1 gaurd pass. Dean had in my memory had 5 sub attempts, two takedowns. Arona did little to no damage in Deans gaurd, the little damage that he did do was on the feet. That is not an ownage by any normal thinking persons standards. Arona won the fight but it was very competitive, anyone who has watched the sport for long time should agree with that.

"Arona completley dominated Liser. Mounted him like a little pony in a kid's circus."

Your lack of comedy dominated those two sentences.