Lister x Leites at UFN 15

 Cool fight but I don't understand it... If they want to create contenders in the division, why have Leites almost take a step down the ladder to fight Lister, no offense. If I were the UFC, I'd put him up against like, Kampmann or even maybe an immediate rematch with Marquardt after how the last fight shook out...

Kampmann is having knee surgery again.

 Leites deserves a title shot more than Cote.  Leites should fight for the title. 

Zero point to this match. Zero.

And I can't believe Kampmann is having surgery again. That sucks.

"Leites deserves a title shot more than Cote. Leites should fight for the title."

Exactly. Or AT LEAST have Cote fight Leites for the shot. I have no idea why Cote gets a title fight at this point.

Yeah Cote has a win streak, but it's against the middle tier guys like Grove and such.

Meanwhile Kampmann has fought Leites. Leites has fought Kampmann and Marquardt. Marquardt has fought Leites.

I mean give Cote the mid level guys and at least make him fight a top guy like Leites or Kampmann or Marquardt or Franklin before getting a shot.

NorthFromHere - Kampmann is having knee surgery again.

That's not true. I think some blog broke the story about that, and then immediately retracted it 6 hours later.

Anyone have definite source?

keeps Leites busy with a fight he is highly favored to win, hopefully in dramatic fashion.

Thats the only reason I can see for the match. Bridges the gap in time for him to face off with Anderson.

Kampmann needs to be way closer to a title shot. He beat Leites!

 Kampmann should be ahead of Leites, but it has been circulating that he is getting another knee surgery. 

Contenders should go Okami, then Kampmann, then Leites. This Cote stuff is bullshit.

I think the odds of Leben or Bisping getting a title shot is also very high.

Kampmann will get his shot I'm sure. He is exciting as hell but that layoff from knee surgery completely fucked his momentum.

The last couple of fights Thales was in were for title shots according to Dana. Winner gets a title shot, what he meant if this guy beats Thales he gets a title shot and we will go try to find someone that can beat Thales (legally)

Cote gets a shot because the average american knows who he is and it will be a poster knock out by Anderson when Cote trie to stand and bang with him

"This is why I love Dream and Affliction"

Yes, neither would have Lister on their roster. /sarcasm.

Leites can take BIG punishment. I would like to see him against Anderson soon.

Leites by asskicking.

grafzep - I think the odds of Leben or Bisping getting a title shot is also very high.

Kampmann will get his shot I'm sure. He is exciting as hell but that layoff from knee surgery completely fucked his momentum.
God I hope you're wrong.

Neither of them are of the caliber of Okami, Leites, and Kampman.


I don't have a problem with Lister coming back after choking out Horn, but maybe a fight with someone like Toquinho or McFedries would have made more sense.

If Leites really refused a rematch with Marquardt, that is pretty fucking lame.