I owe an apology to Cat.
Even though I had been a fan for years, since she was “Cat Albert” the ex-wrestler, I was very critical in her fighting and IQ.
Come to find out, besides all of the death of a spouse baggage, she was suffering from TBI (via Amanda Nunes).
It affected her response time, decision making and many other things.
It serves as a lesson not to be so quick to judge fighters, for you don’t know what is going on in their lives.
Great Episode
She's a gem that one, she has a sexy voice and personality too
Traumatic brain injury? Why is she fighting and can you even get cleared with legit TBI? Didn't listen yet btw
One of the best JRE MMA shows so far. Cat is awesome.
Dang that's literally the girl u wanna marry, shes exactly in the middle of a girly girl and the kind you call "cool chick"
All of you sound like the type of guy that farts in his hand
She seemed nervous to me.
Sometimes slurring her words, due to the TBI or nerves? Who knows
Thread title is misleading.
I mean it's not surprising there are permanent effects from full contact fighting.
Man, that was hard to listen to. That poor lady, if this is her doing much better she should quit while she is ahead.
She talks about this new therapy she has been undergoing for her TBI, how before that she was having a lot of problems mentally but now she is much "better"...
I wouldn't let her drive me around the block, she'd probably get lost.
And I am a fan, she has shown tremendous heart, but she should definitely call it a day.
One of the best JRE MMA episodes so far. Joe needs to have more chicks on in general, just different points of view…too many bros, as wide of backgrounds as they may come from. Cat was super forth coming, honest, funny, insightful…really enjoyed this one.
Wasa-B - One of the best JRE MMA episodes so far. Joe needs to have more chicks on in general, just different points of view...too many bros, as wide of backgrounds as they may come from. Cat was super forth coming, honest, funny, insightful....really enjoyed this one.
Joe makes 99.9% of the people be honest and open. Thats why he is the greatest
She was born in Minnesota, Thug Rose in Wisconsin. They both train in Colorado. They both have a similar style of speaking. I don’t know if it is an accent, or what, but they have the same twang, and fast pace speaking style. At first I thought, “Oh, Colorado does have a detectable accent, but then I realized they both from the north, but this ain’t Fargo.
i'd like to see her win, but i dont think she will again
I didn’t expect that voice
Loved it. Great episode
I still need to watch