Lo x Calasans

I figured people might like to see this if they haven't. The people who posted have posted another Lo match and some Miayo action too.

Awesome and atmosphere sounds incredible
Such different approaches to start. Calasans in his usual chill whilst Lo has that funk going on. Phone Post 3.0

for laters

Thank god for the standing restart.... 6 minutes of 50/50 is rough. Calasans is so dynamic and has so many athletic attributes, not to mention his skill level, I can't understand why he plays 50/50. Phone Post 3.0

I think he plays 50/50 because it's the natural progression from a failed leg attack Phone Post 3.0

The action was great when it happened but goddamn do I hate BJJ staring contests. Phone Post 3.0

A_Butler - Thank god for the standing restart.... 6 minutes of 50/50 is rough. Calasans is so dynamic and has so many athletic attributes, not to mention his skill level, I can't understand why he plays 50/50. Phone Post 3.0
Would have loved to see him go balls to the wall the whole time against Lo the way Finfou did Phone Post 3.0

JZilla - 
A_Butler - Thank god for the standing restart.... 6 minutes of 50/50 is rough. Calasans is so dynamic and has so many athletic attributes, not to mention his skill level, I can't understand why he plays 50/50. Phone Post 3.0
Would have loved to see him go balls to the wall the whole time against Lo the way Finfou did Phone Post 3.0

Yeah the Lo/Finfou match was phenomenal. 

I was a bit surprised to see Calasans start the match with pulling guard too.