Logan Clark

Fabes told me you were gonna call out OMA...

Any truth to this ?

True story, but I don't expect him to accept. Internet celebrities should only accept challenges from celebrities of the same caliber. I am not anywhere near the celebrity level of OMA, so I must work my way up. I was thinking about challenging TycoonMan first. How does one fight a troll?

I would suggest blowing up his bridge first.

How is a guy with 600 posts an internet celebrity?


I am not even an internet celebrity. I am an Eyota celebrity. Really, I am big shit in my hometown of 1,700 people. Plus, I count the neighboring town of 500 as mine as well. Just give me time and I will rival Gavin in super-celeb status.

But I will never rival him in butterbally, sexy, knee-scoping teddybearness...I hope.

There is definately something about Steve that makes me all goowey inside.

The slipped disk in his back makes him able to reach some inhuman positions in the sack.

Good thing him and I have never been in a sack together... Im sure thats tight quarters.

It's a fairly spacious sack.

How big are we talking here ?

TTT for Dover/Eyota.

At least 12X8. feet of course. I like to keep my dirty deeds under wraps, plus this is excellent training for getting in the cage, just a little more slippery.

PS: Dover doesn't need your help getting to the top. It is #1 in the hearts and minds of all Minnesotans.