Logo Help For My Website

I have been working on a logo for my site and I realized that I'm not that great with illustrator.

If anyone can help; I have been trying to have a Pink Squid wearing a Gi and Black belt with it's tentacles spelling JITSU and the word Andrew above.

Not sure what I can offer. I have some memorabilia, shirts, autographs, also have some tickets for events in Hollywood and Vegas available.

Thanks in advance.

I'm relaunching my site and a logo is needed

AndrewJITSU.com Phone Post


Thank you Mr Jason Chambers. Phone Post

Graphic artists on Fiverr.com can get you one for $5 Phone Post

Oh snap I forgot about fiver. I love that site. Good call. Phone Post

Some have forgotten about fiverr, but no one forgets headkick KOs at battle of Brooklyn Phone Post

Haha,hard to forget...I'm glad you remember. That was one of my favorite moments. That was so long ago, I feel we evolved a lot since the NCC wrestling days.

It's funny to think back to. Phone Post

I want your autograph

To PhOOey,

Son of Slam

You don't want that. Phone Post

 Your right , but you can make me a Long Island correktamundo ?

Sure can. Phone Post

AndrewJitsu -  Sure can. Phone Post

 send another invite , im all cool now for a saturday Jitsu and im thirsty

 Free two year blue name for anyone who comes up with one that is used.

The Gypsy Logo Man would be all over this!


Kirik -  Free two year blue name for anyone who comes up with one that is used.

 Kirik > Jitsu

JohnMatrix - So for no money, you want somebody to design your logo which will be used to help you make more money? And all you're offering is some merchandise you have lying around?

Sounds great!

The stuff i have laying around isn't crap, I got brand new gis, autographs, books, tons of shit.

I'm making this website to give out free technique videos every few days. Along with free other stuff. Just want it to look nice.

I got a dude from the Og helping me out I think. Phone Post

AndrewJitsu - 
JohnMatrix - So for no money, you want somebody to design your logo which will be used to help you make more money? And all you're offering is some merchandise you have lying around?

Sounds great!
The stuff i have laying around isn't crap, I got brand new gis, autographs, books, tons of shit.

I'm making this website to give out free technique videos every few days. Along with free other stuff. Just want it to look nice.

I got a dude from the Og helping me out I think. Phone Post


I was wondering what Gabe Ruediger does when he is not training.


What style of illustration are you looking for? Examples? An illustrated logo can get complicated and take a long time to do...