LOL at Dana calling GSP's corner idiots!

PS.. I see you're still on here tonight, HI!

Not everyone bashing BJ was doing it just because they are jerks. Some people, myself included, tried to have a legitimate discussion about him, his words for GSP's trainer, his attitude etc.

Lets face it, BJ has tried harder to lose fans than any other pro fighter I know. Its kinda understandable that some people who might just be expressing a realistic opinion would come off as bashing.

I dont know how, but it is just as important to allow legitimate opinions to be voiced on this forum as it is to get rid of the trolls :)

CindyO -

But someone like Hojak could have made the same thread Beth did and I would have unloaded with reckless abandon based on his posting history=) Beth's history as a member is one of positive contributions... Hojak's, not so much;)


Using the opportunity to rail on Hojak after he was just run off this site and labeled a pedophile... poor guy.

lionsoul -

Using the opportunity to rail on Hojak after he was just run off this site and labeled a pedophile... poor guy.

could you please give me the cliff notes version on this?

lionsoul - 
CindyO -

But someone like Hojak could have made the same thread Beth did and I would have unloaded with reckless abandon based on his posting history=) Beth's history as a member is one of positive contributions... Hojak's, not so much;)


Using the opportunity to rail on Hojak after he was just run off this site and labeled a pedophile... poor guy.

I stopped reading his threads about one month ago. He's gone?
