lol at Frenchie....

Sorry, but you can't talk about how courageous the French are, and then quit! lol

Well hes french...Sounds about right.

He sure changed my view.


damn you beat me to it lol..... that could not have made him look like more of an ass


My wrist hurts

You guys are discounting how hard it is to waive the white flag while your wrist hurts.

lol... hysterical

"What's the most common French expression?"

"I give up."


He pulled a B.J. except after only 1 round instead of 4.

The only reason any of this stuff is remotely funny, is cause it's all true.

I really felt bad for him.... because he is never gonna live this shit down... lol


Poor frenchie is never gonna live it down...LOL!!!

he wouldve been better off just to have lost the fight than to quit . how do u even mark that on your record of fights tho?

Kakkarotto_san - Sorry, but you can't talk about how courageous the French are, and then quit! lol

true-ist statement of 2010