Lol At Nates Tweet

trobinson21 - 
Gilkuja - Lol Nate needs to keep his mouth shut. Conor would beat the fuck out of him. Nate just trying to stay relevant. Phone Post 3.0
Nate's resume makes Conor's look like an amateur.

Nate would beat the shit out of that little fella. Phone Post 3.0

Lol wait till Conor's 30 years old hes already the biggest draw in the sport (maybe 2nd behind Rousey, Id say that a pretty good resume. Plus hes the interim champ.

I don't see him beating RDA but he would murder Cerrone, Pettis and Diaz.

Fold me like one of your lawn chairs - On his periscope he was talking shit too. Saying no grown man should let another man talk to him like that. He also stated if he was there in their shoes, connor would have been promptly bitch slapped. Lol Phone Post 3.0
I haven't seen any new videos in his periscope today Phone Post 3.0

businessbhoy - @NateDiaz209: @Cowboycerrone @RdosAnjosMMA lames you should've stepped up in that press conference instead you both got punked out like some #bitches.. Phone Post 3.0
He's right though. But tbh it looks more like they let conor talk than anything. I wouldnt call him a master of shit talk it just looks like they give him free reign. All you gotta say to his shit is "NA FUCK YOU BITCH" and it would end his reign. They just fuck up when they let him go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

Gataan -
Southpaw76 - Its funny. Rda is champ. Cowboy is fighting for the title.... What is nate doing again? Phone Post 3.0
He's busy being entertaining and a fan favourite without promo from the company he works for all while high. Phone Post 3.0
This Phone Post 3.0

TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
businessbhoy - @NateDiaz209: @Cowboycerrone @RdosAnjosMMA lames you should've stepped up in that press conference instead you both got punked out like some #bitches.. Phone Post 3.0
He's right though. But tbh it looks more like they let conor talk than anything. I wouldnt call him a master of shit talk it just looks like they give him free reign. All you gotta say to his shit is "NA FUCK YOU BITCH" and it would end his reign. They just fuck up when they let him go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

Thats a terrible comeback "NA FUCK YOU BITCH"... It might work if you were 12 but otherwise you look like a tool.

Joe Rogans Spinning Back Kick -
TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
businessbhoy - @NateDiaz209: @Cowboycerrone @RdosAnjosMMA lames you should've stepped up in that press conference instead you both got punked out like some #bitches.. Phone Post 3.0
He's right though. But tbh it looks more like they let conor talk than anything. I wouldnt call him a master of shit talk it just looks like they give him free reign. All you gotta say to his shit is "NA FUCK YOU BITCH" and it would end his reign. They just fuck up when they let him go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

Thats a terrible comeback "NA FUCK YOU BITCH"... It might work if you were 12 but otherwise you look like a tool.
What I'm saying is that all they do is let him go on and on. If someone so much as grunted at him while he rambled it would be more than they're already doing. It just seems like dana is almost telling the other fighters to let cm go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
Joe Rogans Spinning Back Kick -
TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
businessbhoy - @NateDiaz209: @Cowboycerrone @RdosAnjosMMA lames you should've stepped up in that press conference instead you both got punked out like some #bitches.. Phone Post 3.0
He's right though. But tbh it looks more like they let conor talk than anything. I wouldnt call him a master of shit talk it just looks like they give him free reign. All you gotta say to his shit is "NA FUCK YOU BITCH" and it would end his reign. They just fuck up when they let him go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

Thats a terrible comeback "NA FUCK YOU BITCH"... It might work if you were 12 but otherwise you look like a tool.
What I'm saying is that all they do is let him go on and on. If someone so much as grunted at him while he rambled it would be more than they're already doing. It just seems like dana is almost telling the other fighters to let cm go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

I think its just that deer in the headlights effect. When theirs thousands of people watching and your dealing with a master communicator (shit talker) no ones going to say shit out of fear of being publicly embarrassed. If you gonna say anything you have to understand hes not going to sit their and take it your gonna go to war and your probably going to come of second best (verbally that is).

TJs Dilly Dumpster -
Joe Rogans Spinning Back Kick -
TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
businessbhoy - @NateDiaz209: @Cowboycerrone @RdosAnjosMMA lames you should've stepped up in that press conference instead you both got punked out like some #bitches.. Phone Post 3.0
He's right though. But tbh it looks more like they let conor talk than anything. I wouldnt call him a master of shit talk it just looks like they give him free reign. All you gotta say to his shit is "NA FUCK YOU BITCH" and it would end his reign. They just fuck up when they let him go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

Thats a terrible comeback "NA FUCK YOU BITCH"... It might work if you were 12 but otherwise you look like a tool.
What I'm saying is that all they do is let him go on and on. If someone so much as grunted at him while he rambled it would be more than they're already doing. It just seems like dana is almost telling the other fighters to let cm go on and on. Phone Post 3.0
The dumbest thing one could do is attempt to engage Connor in shit talk of ANY kind.

You're best to just shut up (there is no hope of out talking) or go all out and attack him physically on the stop - the resulting melee might end the presser altogether and thus spare you the verbal onslaught that you'd be defenseless against.

No fighter can out talk him. No verbal come back can phase him. Phone Post 3.0

Canned Hams -
DrBoogerLips -
Southpaw76 - Its funny. Rda is champ. Cowboy is fighting for the title.... What is nate doing again? Phone Post 3.0

More than you will ever do. Ever. Everything you do, combined, will not add up even his smallest accomplishments. Just so you know.
Lol wipe that cum off your chin. Phone Post 3.0
The great paradox of the UG.

People complain about shit posters like this here 15er when, alas, it's actually a returning 05er whose been banned a dozen times.

I don't believe in new forum members anymore. Phone Post 3.0

Hunter V - the delusion of Diaz fanboys truly is #1.

Yeah they're like the angry stoner brother of UKTT

Nate isn't even hating on Conor. As a matter of fact, he said Conor is doing his thing...
He just said no one is going to punk him like that. Phone Post 3.0

Joe Rogans Spinning Back Kick -
TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
Joe Rogans Spinning Back Kick -
TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
businessbhoy - @NateDiaz209: @Cowboycerrone @RdosAnjosMMA lames you should've stepped up in that press conference instead you both got punked out like some #bitches.. Phone Post 3.0
He's right though. But tbh it looks more like they let conor talk than anything. I wouldnt call him a master of shit talk it just looks like they give him free reign. All you gotta say to his shit is "NA FUCK YOU BITCH" and it would end his reign. They just fuck up when they let him go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

Thats a terrible comeback "NA FUCK YOU BITCH"... It might work if you were 12 but otherwise you look like a tool.
What I'm saying is that all they do is let him go on and on. If someone so much as grunted at him while he rambled it would be more than they're already doing. It just seems like dana is almost telling the other fighters to let cm go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

I think its just that deer in the headlights effect. When theirs thousands of people watching and your dealing with a master communicator (shit talker) no ones going to say shit out of fear of being publicly embarrassed. If you gonna say anything you have to understand hes not going to sit their and take it your gonna go to war and your probably going to come of second best (verbally that is).
But these guys know how to talk shit! Why don't they? Even if it's bs illogical shit they're saying they should at least talk shit for the sake of talking it. Just so npt every mma fan thinks he's some indomitable force.

For the record i didnt think cowboy did bad Phone Post 3.0

trobinson21 -
Gilkuja - Lol Nate needs to keep his mouth shut. Conor would beat the fuck out of him. Nate just trying to stay relevant. Phone Post 3.0
Nate's resume makes Conor's look like an amateur.

Nate would beat the shit out of that little fella. Phone Post 3.0
Not really. Where is Nate's belt? Phone Post 3.0

Joe Rogans Spinning Back Kick - 
TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
Joe Rogans Spinning Back Kick -
TJs Dilly Dumpster - 
businessbhoy - @NateDiaz209: @Cowboycerrone @RdosAnjosMMA lames you should've stepped up in that press conference instead you both got punked out like some #bitches.. Phone Post 3.0
He's right though. But tbh it looks more like they let conor talk than anything. I wouldnt call him a master of shit talk it just looks like they give him free reign. All you gotta say to his shit is "NA FUCK YOU BITCH" and it would end his reign. They just fuck up when they let him go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

Thats a terrible comeback "NA FUCK YOU BITCH"... It might work if you were 12 but otherwise you look like a tool.
What I'm saying is that all they do is let him go on and on. If someone so much as grunted at him while he rambled it would be more than they're already doing. It just seems like dana is almost telling the other fighters to let cm go on and on. Phone Post 3.0

I think its just that deer in the headlights effect. When theirs thousands of people watching and your dealing with a master communicator (shit talker) no ones going to say shit out of fear of being publicly embarrassed. If you gonna say anything you have to understand hes not going to sit their and take it your gonna go to war and your probably going to come of second best (verbally that is).

Holy fuck is English your second language?

Nate will get beat if he tries it. Nate needs to win a fight before he starts talking shit again. Phone Post 3.0

Can't stand Conor tbh..

But fuck the delusion from Diaz fans is some next level shit. Phone Post 3.0

chrisedmonton - He's right, Conor is truly the master of talking smack Phone Post 3.0

This. Good on Diaz. This makes me like Diaz - for being able to recognize Conor is king

Southpaw76 - Its funny. Rda is champ. Cowboy is fighting for the title.... What is nate doing again? Phone Post 3.0
Definition of all talk. I get the impression with Nate that he's always been kinda in Nicks shadow and it really affects his self esteem. It's kinda sad cause both of them coulda been at the very top for years if they'd just had a bit more focus towards the important things. It's hard to argue Nick has always been more talented, but no doubt Nate coulda won UFC gold if he decided to go the Cerrone route of just keep fighting and improving Phone Post 3.0

trobinson21 -
Hunter V - the delusion of Diaz fanboys truly is #1.
Nate was choking out killers when Conor was collecting food stamps. Phone Post 3.0
He was on fire when he dropped back down to 155...gomi, cowboy, miller, he dominated all of them and I really thought he had a chance to beat Benson.

Did he have contract disputes before or after that fight? Phone Post 3.0