LOL @ ESPN front page!

 On the right, where the headlines are reads:

"Brazil's Machida wrestles UFC crown from Evans"

LOL@ wrestles...try, KTFO!

I see this...

Look at the "Headlines" links.

EvilMaster - I see this...

 This was not up when i went there, glad they gave him respect. However, they still have the "wrestles" link up on far right.


Douche - MMA fans are so homotional. They bitch about everything. Its very woman like.
your name says it all, mud.


On the other hand, at least it's on ESPN's front page.

Unthinkable a few years ago.


Nonlinear -  

Wow, great picture!

It's from the ESPN article.

HendoUSA - That was a Doug Marshall right there tonight... a "KD" Knocked Dead..

If you're a big Hendo fan, you need to check out this thread: