LOL@ this fake black belt

check this site has a message board if you scroll down. The ammy 155 champ trains at a mcdojo in northern alabama and claims to be a BJJ BB....he claims it was given to him by Jamie Webster who teaches at Webster's Karate.

LOL....neither of these guys have a real BB....You guys can post on the message board without signing up....and should take this cat to task!

exactly! Kid is loco....He claims to be 16-6, but about 10 of those wins are not able to be confirmed, due to the fact most of them took place in the Grub Mart parking lot.

thanks for posting on there bobo!

I checked out the website and it's so disjointed (random . . . stream of consciousness) I could not detect anything but and exchange of insult and threats.

Kudos to the guys running the website - GREAT PR!!