Looking for a 130-140 lbs Pro MMA Fight

Hey guys one of my coaches Mike Reyna is looking for a pro MMA fight at 135-140 lbs only in the state of Indiana he is a BJJ Black Belt under Andre Terencio and Hannette Staack of Brazil 021 in Chicago. If any promoters or match makers would like to talk to him about fighting in their promotion call him at 219-433-6795 to talk to him directly about fighting in your promotion. He also is willing to host seminars at anyone's school in the state of Indiana as well as do private lessons for anyone too if they're interested as well. Also if anyone would like to have any more information on Mike Reyna or about hosting seminars or taking private lessons with him please go to his website at http://reynabrosmmaandbjj.webs.com/ to inquire more about these services. Thank you for taking the time to read this post and hopefully we can get something going on to mutually benefit all of us.

shit i live in lyons indiana i may only be 17 but my dad taught me how to woop some ass shit im way 135.