Looking for a Job

Hey everybody, I figure posting this here couldnt hurt so here goes.

I just recently found out that the paint factory that I work at is laying me off for the rest of the year...So I NEED a new job.

Im looking for basic part time work (nothing fast food). I have both full time and part time experience at both an icecream factory and a paint factory. I speak both english and sign language, and am always up for hard physical labor. Im presentable and friendly as well.

If you know anybody that is looking for someone to do some part time work in the GTA please let me know!

Oh the hours Im available for are:

Monday: After 330pm

Tuesday: After 1pm

Wednesday: Before 2pm and After 330pm

Thursday: After 2pm

Friday: All day

Saturday: All day

Sunday: All day

I train jiujitsu monday-thursday evenings, but Im sure something could be worked out.

I know its a longshot posting this here but I might as well try.

Thanks in advance!


Good luck with the job hunt.

I would love to know how to "speak" sign language.

Anyway, try your local Canadian Society for Hearing or the like. Or try calling the local office of "Ontario Works" (Welfare) because both places are always looking for translators for meetings, business appointments etc.

You can also try the court house or law firms as they sometimes need the service too.

The hours are not regular but it sounds like you are just looking for a few hours etc here and there anyway to tide you over.

Hope this helps.

UPS here in Winnipeg is always hiring...I've been there for only 3 weeks and I already have some seniority over a new guy.

try Costco they need season help this time of year and
the pay should be worth your while. good luck

thanks guys


If you don't mind doing hard labour you might be interested in going to a temp agency.

try also gov youth employment centers

hard labour doesnt really bother me....Last year when i was dropped out of school I had things set up with a temp agency but they NEVER had work for me.

Steve, Im fairly sure the government wont help you unless youre either dropped out of or completed highschool....How did our guys do at joslins?

Believe it or not, job search websites have worked out for my friends before, despite looking like longshots. So check those out, you neve rknow what you might stumble across.

You can try browsing www.canadiandesi.ca