Looking for feedback on my technique videos

mrgoodarmbar - BTW - nice stuff in general. Just looking for things to be critical of.

this. in general, you're solid. just trying to find something.

Empire & mrgoodarmbar - I appreciate the feedback, especially the constructive criticism. I recognize that not many folks would take the time to do what you both have done. If either of you are ever in the central CT area please give me a shout as you are welcome to train at our school anytime.

Oh and Empire, I thought that sounded like Rob and with a name like Empire I was thinking that you might be from NY so I took a leap of faith. I was there when Rob got his black belt from Royce down at Greg's place in NC. It was pretty amazing as up till that point Royce had never given out a single black belt. I think he gave out 6 that day if I remember correctly


nice technique vids...picked up some things...

Thanks Invincible

Thanks Jay...appreciate the offer, but God help me if CT is anything but a highway between Boston and NY, with a quick stop at Rein's Deli! :-)

And if you're ever in the Boston area, maybe to see the Sox kick the sh!t outta the Yanks, Gracie Barra Boston makes visitors feel at home.

BTW - tried the Sterno choke...I really like focusing on that muscle in the neck with my first grip for general control. Just didn't have a chance to get underneath with the other arm.... I'm always giving up at least 40 lbs and spent a couple rolls last night giving about 100lbs though...He would posture up and I would be able to follow him up easier, then sit my hips at an angle without losing the head. He couldn't shuck it off the top as easy. It's a little compensation in loss of head/posture control, but I can still get my forearm onto the back of his head to keep him down a bit.